#> Attaching package: 'dplyr'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
#> filter, lag
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
#> intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
Apartment_no <- c("1-SV","1-SV","1-SV","1-SH","1-SH","1-SH","1-1V","1-1V","1-1V","1-1H","1-1H","1-1H","3-SV","3-SV","3-SV","3-1V","3-1V","3-1V","3-1H","3-1H","3-1H")
month <- c("September","October","November","September","October","November","September","October","November","September","October","November","September","October","November","September","October","November","September","October","November")
Days <- c(NA,19,28,2,19,28,2,19,NA,2,19,28,25,31,28,12,NA,24,8,26,19)
Heat_clean <- data.frame(Apartment_no,month,Days)
这只是一个样本数据集。实际上,我大约有163个apartment_no和所有月份的数据。我希望为其创建一个交互式的热图,因为数据很大。我希望使用特殊的颜色代码,即每当Days == NA,color = Red,1 <= Days <= 5,color = Blue,6 <= Days <= 15,color = Orange,16 <= Days <= 25,颜色=粉红色,25 <=天数<= 31,颜色=绿色。我已经使用了以下代码,但是它对我不起作用,实际上给了我一个错误消息,因为“ x必须是一个数字矩阵”。我的代码如下:
> mypallete <- colorRampPalette(Days=na.color,col="Red", 1<=Days<=5,col="Blue", 6<=Days<=15,col="Orange", 16<=Days<=25,col="Pink", 25<=Days<=31,color=Green)
> heatmap.2(as.matrix(Heat_clean),Rowv = F,Colv = F,main = "Heatmeters data",col = mypallete,dendrogram = "none", = "none",trace = "none")
答案 0 :(得分:0)
您的范围不是排他性的(use AppleScript version "2.4" -- Yosemite (10.10) or later
use scripting additions
tell application "Finder"
set _folder to choose folder
set _files to files of _folder
repeat with _file in _files
if creator type of _file is "MSWD" then
tell application "Microsoft Word"
open _file
set _doc to document of window 1
save as _doc file format format text
close _doc
end tell
end if
end repeat
end tell
和delay 5
我不认为您的数据结构与Days <= 25
这是一种生成调色板的暴力方式...(请注意,我更改了25 <= Days