当我在mariadb 10.1中执行此查询时(在帖子#末尾写#)。它占用了100%的CPU使用率,并且没有显示任何输出。
当我在mysql 5.7中运行此查询时。它给了我错误
“错误1055(42000):ORDER BY子句的表达式#1不在GROUP中 BY子句,包含非聚合列 'DB.istockstatus.meta_value'在功能上不依赖于 GROUP BY子句中的列;这与 sql_mode = only_full_group_by“
然后在mysql 5.7中工作。
但是它在mariadb 10.1中不起作用。 任何人都面临这个问题。请帮忙。
| 19937 | uRw1oPvHmYiKb7 | localhost | uRw1oPvHmYiKb7 | Query | 52086 |
Sending data |
SELECT WP_posts.ID FROM WP_posts
LEFT JOIN WP_term_relationships tr ON WP_posts.ID = tr.object_id
LEFT JOIN WP_term_taxonomy tt ON tt.term_taxonomy_id=tr.term_taxonomy_id
LEFT JOIN WP_terms tm ON tm.term_id = tt.term_id
LEFT JOIN WP_term_relationships tr_v ON WP_posts.ID = tr_v.object_id
LEFT JOIN WP_term_taxonomy tt_v ON ( tt_v.term_taxonomy_id=tr_v.term_taxonomy_id AND tt_v.taxonomy LIKE 'product_visibility'
AND tt_v.term_taxonomy_id NOT IN ( 7 ) )
LEFT JOIN WP_terms tm_v ON tm_v.term_id = tt_v.term_id
INNER JOIN WP_postmeta istockstatus ON (WP_posts.ID = istockstatus.post_id)
WHERE 1=1 AND istockstatus.meta_key = '_stock_status' AND istockstatus.meta_value <> '' AND (
WP_posts.ID NOT IN (
SELECT object_id
FROM WP_term_relationships
WHERE term_taxonomy_id IN (7)
AND WP_posts.post_type = 'product'
AND ((WP_posts.post_status = 'publish'))
AND ( ( LOWER( WP_posts.post_title ) REGEXP '6?(.*)x?(.*)6?(.*)sq')
OR ( LOWER(WP_posts.post_excerpt) REGEXP '6?(.*)x?(.*)6?(.*)sq')
OR ( LOWER(WP_posts.post_content) REGEXP '6?(.*)x?(.*)6?(.*)sq')
OR (( LOWER(tm.name) REGEXP '6?(.*)x?(.*)6?(.*)sq' OR LOWER(tm.slug) REGEXP '6?(.*)x?(.*)6?(.*)sq')
AND tt.taxonomy IN ('product_tag')) )
ORDER BY istockstatus.meta_value ASC,
(CASE WHEN WP_posts.post_title LIKE '6 x 6 sq%' THEN 1 WHEN WP_posts.post_title LIKE '%6 x 6 sq%' THEN 2 WHEN WP_posts.post_title LIKE '%6%'
AND WP_posts.post_title LIKE '%6%' AND WP_posts.post_title LIKE '%sq%' THEN 3
WHEN WP_posts.post_title LIKE '%6%'
OR WP_posts.post_title LIKE '%6%'
OR WP_posts.post_title LIKE '%sq%'
THEN 4 WHEN LOWER(tm.name) LIKE '6 x 6 sq'
THEN 5 WHEN LOWER(tm.name) LIKE '%6 x 6 sq%'
THEN 6 WHEN WP_posts.post_content LIKE '%6 x 6 sq%'
THEN 7 ELSE 8 END) LIMIT 0, 6 | 0.000 |