import queue
import random
# Function to open the file using exception handling
def openFile():
goodFile = False
while goodFile == False:
fname = input("Enter name of data file: ")
inFile = open(fname, 'r')
goodFile = True
except IOError:
print("Invalid filename, please try again ... ")
return inFile
# Function to get the time slice value and the processes from the file into the queue
# Queue will contain a string with process ID and exec time separated by a comma
def getProcs(cpuQ):
infile = openFile()
# Get the first line in the file containing the time slice value
line = infile.readline()
# Strip the \n from the line and convert to an integer
tslice = int(line.strip())
# Loop through the file inserting processes into the queue
for line in infile:
proc = line.strip()
return tslice, cpuQ
# Function to print the contents of the queue
def printQueue(tslice, cpuQ):
print("The time slice is ",tslice, " \n The contents of the queue are: ")
for i in range(cpuQ.qsize()):
proc = cpuQ.get()
# Function to execute the processes in the queue
def scheduleProcs(tslice, cpuQ):
# While the queue is not empty
while (cpuQ.empty() != True):
# Get next process from queue
proc = cpuQ.get()
# Separate the process ID and the execution time from the process info
PID, exectime = proc.split(",")
# Convert exectime to an integer
exectime = int(exectime)
print("Getting next process - Process ", PID," has ", exectime," instructions to execute")
# Initialize the timer
timer = 0
# While proc still has time in slice and still has code to execute
while (timer < tslice) and (exectime > 0):
# In a real computer, the OS would take an instruction from process out of memory and execute it
# Execute an instruction of process
exectime = exectime - 1
# Count one tick of the timer
timer = timer + 1
print("Executing instruction ", exectime," of process ", PID,". Timer = ", timer)
# If proc still has instructions to execute put it back in the queue
if (exectime > 0):
# Create string with new exec time and process ID
proc = PID + "," + str(exectime)
# Put the process back in the queue
print("Put process ", PID," back in queue with ", exectime," instructions left to execute")
print("*** Process ", PID, " Complete ***")
# Main function
def main():
# Create the scheduling queue
cpuQ = queue.Queue()
# Get the processes from the data file
tslice, cpuQ = getProcs(cpuQ)
# Print the queue
printQueue(tslice, cpuQ)
# Schedule the processes
scheduleProcs(tslice, cpuQ)