
时间:2019-11-18 10:12:45

标签: javascript node.js discord discord.js

最近,我一直在基于旧代码启动一个新的bot作为学习经验。可以想象,这有点麻烦。我的命令处理程序基于三件事:functions.js,app.js和具有命令的文件。我在使用help命令时遇到问题 我的命令处理程序和其他内容:

// Calling Packages
const Discord = require('discord.js');
const bot = new Discord.Client();
const client = new Discord.Client();
const weather = require('weather-js');
const fs = require('fs');

const {ping: func} = require("C:/Users/LeviB/Desktop/Folders/Downloads, Setup, and Uninstall Files/Code/Discord Bots/WelcomeGoodbyeQuickDB/functions.js")

const commands = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('Storage/commands.json', 'utf8'))

// Global Settings
const prefix = 'cb!';

// Listener Event One
bot.on('message', message => {

    // Variables
    let msg = message.content.toUpperCase();
    let sender = message.author;
    let cont = message.content.slice(prefix.length).trim().split(" ");
    let args = message.content.slice(prefix.length).trim().split(" ");
    let cmd = args.shift().toLowerCase();

    if (sender.bot) return;
    if (!message.content.startsWith(prefix)) return;

//Command Handler
try {

    let commandFile = require(`./commands/${cmd}.js`);
    commandFile.run(bot, message, args, func);

} catch(e) {


} finally {

    console.log(`${message.author.username} ran the command: ${cmd}`);



    help: function(channel) {

        const embed = new Discord.RichEmbed()

        let commandsFound = 0;

        for (var cmd in commands) {

            if (commands[cmd].group.toUpperCase() === 'USER') {

                embed.addField(`${commands[cmd].name}`, `**Description:** ${commands[cmd].desc}\n**Usage:** ${prefix + commands[cmd].usage}`);


        embed.setFooter(`Currently showing user commands. To view another group do ${prefix}help [group / command]`)
        embed.setDescription(`**${commandsFound} commands found** - <> means required, [] means optional`)

        message.channel.send({embed: {
            color: 0x1D82B6,
            description: `**Check your DMs ${message.author}!**`


let msg = message.content.toUpperCase();
let sender = message.author;
let cont = message.content.slice(prefix.length).trim().split(" ");
let args = message.content.slice(prefix.length).trim().split(" ");

exports.run = (bot, message, args, func) => {

    console.log('ok i hate this')

    const embed = new Discord.RichEmbed()

    let commandsFound = 0;

    for (var cmd in commands) {

        if (commands[cmd].group.toUpperCase() === 'USER') {

            embed.addField(`${commands[cmd].name}`, `**Description:** ${commands[cmd].desc}\n**Usage:** ${prefix + commands[cmd].usage}`);


    embed.setFooter(`Currently showing user commands. To view another group do ${prefix}help [group / command]`)
    embed.setDescription(`**${commandsFound} commands found** - <> means required, [] means optional`)

    msg.channel.send({embed: {
        color: 0x1D82B6,
        description: `**Check your DMs ${msg.author}!**`


如果我要执行“ cb!ping”或“ cb!purge”操作,那么它们都会起作用。当我执行“ cb!help”时,虽然我在控制台中得到了此提示:

[serve] message is not defined
[serve] CharleDarwins ran the command: help


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

我明白了。在您要运行的命令文件中,您执行let msg,在文件中,您引用的是message,而不是msg

消息未定义的原因是,您尚未从任何位置导入引用message的文件。例如,这是module.exports文件底部的export defaultmessage。查看您的functions文件的顶部,没有传递消息,只有channel被传递。

仅需一点建议,即可通过standard.js运行文件,它是一个NPM模块:)-可以通过执行npm i standard进行安装。让我知道你过得怎么样!