
时间:2019-11-17 18:13:40

标签: typescript visual-studio-code tsconfig stenciljs

我正在使用Visual Studio Code在模板的帮助下开发Web组件。编写基本组件需要在打字稿文件中使用修饰符。 Visual Studio Code向我显示了一条错误消息,因为默认情况下,打字稿中不支持装饰器。在根目录中创建tsconfig.json并将其添加到"experimentalDecorators": true中,可以消除警告。现在我想知道,模具编译器会使用此配置进行打字稿处理还是只是某些IDE专用工具的配置?

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

是的,Stencil使用项目中的alphaOutput进行TypeScript编译步骤,但是会覆盖library(shiny) library(dragulaR) library(shinyjs) blocks <- c("Block A", "Block B", "Block C") Blocks <- function(data, name) { div(style = " text-align: center; font-size: 12px; background-color: #A9A9A9; border-radius: 10px; min-width: 80px; color: black;", drag = name, div(class = "active-title", name), id = gsub("[[:space:]]", "", name)) } ui <- fluidPage( sidebarPanel(width = 8, fluidRow(style = "margin: 15px; height: 600px;", fluidRow( h3("Common Block Combos:"), column(12, selectInput("RECIPE", "", c("A" = "A", "B" = "B", "None" = "none"), selected = "none") ) ), fluidRow( h3("Drag and Drop:"), column(6, fluidRow( column(3, h5("Alpha Blocks:"), div(id = "alphaBlocks", style = "min-height: 600px;", lapply(blocks, Blocks, data = blocks)) ), column(6, div(id = "alphaOutput", style = "min-height: 300px; margin-top: 0.5em; margin-left:-1em; border-style: dotted; border-color: #A9A9A9; border-width: 2px;") ) ) ) ) ), uiOutput("ui_alpha_dragular") ), mainPanel(width = 2, verbatimTextOutput("alpha"))) server <- function(input, output) { # setting the initial value of each dragula drop area output$alpha_dragular <- renderDragula({ dragula(c("alphaBlocks", "alphaOutput")) }) # ------------------------------------------------------- # Change output area based on RECIPE dropdown # ------------------------------------------------------- output$ui_alpha_dragular <- renderUI({ switch( input$RECIPE, A = dragulaOutput("alpha_dragular") %>% onRender("function (el, x) { $(\"#Block1\").appendTo(\"#alphaOutput\"); }"), # add parameters for A block B = dragulaOutput("alpha_dragular"), # add parameters for B block (same as A) dragulaOutput("alpha_dragular") ) }) # ------------------------------------------------------- # Text output for testing # ------------------------------------------------------- output$alpha <- renderPrint({ dragulaValue(input$alpha_dragular) }) } shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server) 的某些值。在撰写本文时,这些是:



compilerOptions是Stencil也使用的功能,因此应在tsconfig中启用。您可以查看tsconfig of the stencil-app-starter的推荐值。