
时间:2019-11-17 12:00:55

标签: python opencv


from PIL import Image
import cv2
import numpy as np

songData = [
    [390, u'Fractal', u'Itvara', 'minimix', u'1.jpg'],
    [322, u'Case & Point', u'Error Code', 'minimix', u'2.jpg'],
    [261, u'Excision & Pegboard Nerds', u'Bring the Madness (Noisestorm Remix) [feat. Mayor Apeshit]', 'minimix', u'3.jpg'],
    [157, u'Nitro Fun', u'Final Boss', 'minimix', u'4.jpg'],
    [88, u'Astronaut', u'Quantum (Virtual Riot Remix)', 'minimix', u'5.jpg'],
    [0, u'Fractal', u'Contact', 'minimix', u'6.jpg']]

FPS = 60  # Sets the FPS of the entire video
currentFrame = 0  # The animation hasn't moved yet, so we're going to leave it as zero
startFrame = 0  # The animation of the "next" image starts at "startFrame", at most
trailingSeconds = 5  # Sets the amount of time we give our last image (in seconds)
blendingDuration = 3.0  # Sets the amount of time that each transition should last for
# This could be more dynamic, but for now, a constant transition period is chosen
blendingStart = 10  # Sets the time in which the image starts blending before songFile

for i in songData:
    i[0] = i[0] * FPS  # Makes it so that iterating frame-by-frame will result in properly timed slideshows

im1 = Image.open(songData[-1][4])  # Load the image in
im2 = im1  # Define a second image to force a global variable to be created

current = songData[-1][4]  # We're going to let the script know the location of the current image's location
previous = current  # And this is to force/declare a global variable

height, width, layers = np.array(im1).shape  # Get some stats on the image file to create the video with
video = cv2.VideoWriter("slideshow.avi", -1, 60, (width, height), True)

while currentFrame < songData[0][0] + FPS * 60 * trailingSeconds:  # RHS defines the limit of the slideshow
    for i in songData:  # Loop through each image timing
        if currentFrame >= i[0] - (blendingStart * FPS):  # If the image timing happens to be for the
            # current image, the continue on...
            # (Notice how songData is reversed)

            # The print statement adds some verbosity to the program
            str(currentFrame) + " - " + str(i[0] - (blendingStart * FPS)) + " - " + i[2]
            if not current == i[4]:  # Check if the image file has changed
                previous = current  # We'd want the transition to start if the file has changed
                current = i[4]
                startFrame = i[0] - (blendingStart * FPS)

                # The two images in question for the blending is loaded in
                im1 = Image.open(previous)
                im2 = Image.open(current)

    # See: http://blog.extramaster.net/2015/07/python-pil-to-mp4.html for the part below
    diff = Image.blend(im1, im2, min(1.0, (currentFrame - startFrame) / float(FPS) / blendingDuration))
    video.write(cv2.cvtColor(np.array(diff), cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR))

    currentFrame += 1  # Next frame

# At this point, we'll assume that the slideshow has completed generating, and we want to close everything off to prevent a corrupted output.

我得到的错误是 OpenCV(4.1.1)C:\ projects \ opencv-python \ opencv \ modules \ videoio \ src \ cap_images.cpp:253:错误:(-5:错误的参数)CAP_IMAGES:找不到起始编号(在名称中文件):函数'cv :: icvExtractPattern'中的slideshow.avi

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