c ++。我试图通过在switch内使用数组来获取用户输入,但是当我运行代码时,它显示出分段错误?

时间:2019-11-17 05:50:22

标签: c++ arrays input switch-statement

当我选择开关盒1并输入详细信息时,它向我显示!分段故障。我觉得这是因为数组输入。但是如何避免这种情况,还是有解决的办法? 问题-根据上面的问题1和2,修改程序,使其显示菜单。 用户选择之一; 新增学生 显示学生名单 新增课程 开设展示课程 用户可以选择安全退出/终止程序。 问题4 根据上述问题1至问题3,修改程序,以便用户能够 修改所选学生的姓名。

#include <iostream>

#include <string>

using namespace std;

struct  Student{

    string name , id , nickname;

struct  Course{

    string ccode,  cname, clecturer;


int main() {
     int i=0, c=0, ti=0, tc=0;
     Student uniten[i];
     Course cuniten[c];

    cout << "\n \n" << endl;

int choice;
bool gameOn = true;
while (gameOn != false){
cout << "*******************************\n";
cout << " 1 - Add new students.\n";
cout << " 2 - Display student list.\n";
cout << " 3 - Add new course.\n";
cout << " 4 - Display course offered.\n";
cout << " 5 - Exit.\n";
cout << " Enter your choice and press return: ";

cin >> choice;

switch (choice)
case 1:
cout << "Add new students.\n";
i = i+1;
    cout << "\n \n" << endl;

    cout << "Student " << i << endl;

    cout << "Enter Student ID: ";

    cin >> (uniten[i].id);

    cout << "Enter their Name: ";

    cin >> uniten[i].name;

    cout << "Enter their Nickname: ";

    cin >> uniten[i].nickname;
cout << "\n \n" << endl;

case 2:
cout << "Display Student List\n";

case 3:
cout << "Add new course.\n";
c = c+1;

    cout << "\n \n" << endl;

    cout << "Course " << c << endl;

    cout << "Enter Course Code: ";

    cin >> (cuniten[c].ccode);

    cout << "Enter Course Name: ";

    cin >> cuniten[c].cname;

    cout << "Enter Lecturer Name: ";

    cin >> cuniten[c].clecturer;


case 4:
cout << "Display Course List\n";
 for (tc=0; tc<c; tc++) {

    cout << "Course : " << cuniten[i].cname << " Course Code : " << cuniten[i].ccode << ", Lecturer name : " << cuniten[i].clecturer <<endl;

    cout << "\n \n" << endl;

case 5:
cout << "End of Program.\n";
gameOn = false;
cout << "Not a Valid Choice. \n";
cout << "Choose again.\n";
cin >> choice;



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

int i=0, c=0, ti=0, tc=0;
     Student uniten[i];
     Course cuniten[c];

在上面的代码数组中,创建的大小分别为i = 0和c = 0。

case 1:
cout << "Add new students.\n";
i = i+1;
    cout << "\n \n" << endl;

    cout << "Student " << i << endl;

    cout << "Enter Student ID: ";

    cin >> (uniten[i].id);

    cout << "Enter their Name: ";

    cin >> uniten[i].name;

    cout << "Enter their Nickname: ";

    cin >> uniten[i].nickname;
cout << "\n \n" << endl;

在切换情况下,您正在更新i=i+1,它试图访问不存在的 uniten [1] 处的索引。