
时间:2019-11-15 23:06:18

标签: python-3.x tkinter

我有一个tkinter框架和2个精灵,当我在墙的确切位置时,可以轻松地使vel = 0。问题是,在精灵内(我需要角色在碰到墙的边缘时停下来)。

import tkinter ##SETUP##
from tkinter import *
import threading
from threading import Timer

window = Tk() ##WINDOW SETUP##
window.title("Project Gladiator, Pre-Alpha 0.3")
window.config(bg = "white")

frame = Frame(window, width = 1000, height = 1000)
frame.grid(row = 0, column = 0)

Px = 50 #char pos ##VARIABLES##
Py = 50 #char pos
X = 5 #char Xcel
Xchange = 5 #sets X
Direction = "Down" #different sprites based on movement
Level = 0 #used for collision (starts from 0)

PlayerF1 = PhotoImage(file = "Mainchar.png") #replace by each frame ##MAIN CHAR##
Playerd = Label(frame, image = PlayerF1)
Playerd.place(x = Px, y = Py)

w = False #movement button presses
a = False #movement button presses
s = False #movement button presses
d = False #movement button presses
Wallimg = PhotoImage(file = "Lategame-tile.png")
Walltest = Label(window, image = Wallimg)
WalltestX = 30
WalltestY = 30

def keypress(event):
    if event.char == "w":
        global w
        global a
        global s
        global d
        global Xchange
        w = True

    elif event.char == "a":
        a = True

    elif event.char == "s":
        s = True

    elif event.char == "d":
        d = True

    elif event.char == "`":
        Console = Tk()
        Console.config(bg = "green")
        Output = Label(Console, text = "Output", bg = "green", fg = "yellow", font = "none 9")
        #output goes here...
        Input = Label(Console, text = "Input", bg = "green", fg = "yellow", font = "none 9")
        Commandline = Entry(Console, bg = "white")
        def SubmitCommand():
            Command = Commandline.get()
            print(f"Command Submitted \"{Command}\"")
            Commandline.delete(0, END)
        Commandsub = Button(Console, text = "Submit", bg = "green", fg = "yellow", command = SubmitCommand)

        Output.grid(row = 0, column = 0)
        Input.grid(row = 2, column = 0)
        Commandline.grid(row = 3, column = 0)
        Commandsub.grid(row = 3, column = 1)

def keyup(event):
    if event.char == "w":
        global w
        global a
        global s
        global d
        w = False

    elif event.char == "a":
        a = False

    elif event.char == "s":
        s = False

    elif event.char == "d":
        d = False

def wpress():
    def wcheck():
        if w == True:
            global Direction
            global Py
            global Px
            global X
            global Xchange
            X = Xchange
            Direction = "Up"
            Py = Py - X
            if Level == 0 and Py == 30 and Px == 30:
                Py = Py + X
            Playerd.place(x = Px, y = Py)
        elif w == False:
            X = 0

        if a == True:
            X = Xchange
            Direction = "Right"
            Px = Px - X
            if Level == 0 and Py == 30 and Px == 30:
                Px = Px + X
            Playerd.place(x = Px, y = Py)
        elif w == False:
            X = 0

        if s == True:
            X = Xchange
            Direction = "Down"
            Py = Py + X
            if Level == 0 and Py == 30 and Px == 30:
                Py = Py - X
            Playerd.place(x = Px, y = Py)
        elif w == False:
            X = 0

        if d == True:
            X = Xchange
            Direction = "Left"
            Px = Px + X
            if Level == 0 and Py == 30 and Px == 30:
                Px = Px - X
            Playerd.place(x = Px, y = Py)
        elif w == False:
            X = 0


    c = Timer(0.001, wcheck)

frame.bind("<Key>", keypress)
frame.bind("<KeyRelease>", keyup)

def DrawTEST1(): #wall test
    Walltest.place(x = WalltestX, y = WalltestY)



def wpress():
    def wcheck():
        if w == True:
            global Direction
            global Py
            global Px
            global X
            global Xchange
            X = Xchange
            Direction = "Up"
            Py = Py - X
            if Level == 0 and Py == 30 and Px == 30:
                Py = Py + X
            Playerd.place(x = Px, y = Py)
        elif w == False:
            X = 0

        if a == True:
            X = Xchange
            Direction = "Right"
            Px = Px - X
            if Level == 0 and Py == 30 and Px == 30:
                Px = Px + X
            Playerd.place(x = Px, y = Py)
        elif w == False:
            X = 0

        if s == True:
            X = Xchange
            Direction = "Down"
            Py = Py + X
            if Level == 0 and Py == 30 and Px == 30:
                Py = Py - X
            Playerd.place(x = Px, y = Py)
        elif w == False:
            X = 0

        if d == True:
            X = Xchange
            Direction = "Left"
            Px = Px + X
            if Level == 0 and Py == 30 and Px == 30:
                Px = Px - X
            Playerd.place(x = Px, y = Py)
        elif w == False:
            X = 0


    c = Timer(0.001, wcheck)

frame.bind("<Key>", keypress)


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

不确定您是否已解决问题,但是由于遇到了与此相同的徒劳的事情,因此,我想分享一下我的想法。 请记住,Tkinter不是专门为这种事情而制作的,而像Pygame这样的东西会是更好的选择。

简单方法: 如果您的精灵是一个简单的精灵(如正方形),则只需在每个方向上将其稍微指向您的精灵,然后在每次移动时检查该点是否与墙重叠。 示例:如果您的精灵为25x25,则您可以将中心设为x,y,然后将右侧用于碰撞检测的点设为x + 26,y。那么左边可能是x-26,y。 这里的问题是您在框架中使用标签,因此要么必须找出带有错误和错误的位置,要么使用.bbox方法。

稍微复杂一些的方法(但最终更简单): 如果您的子图形有些奇怪,并且您希望它更精确,则可以将其放在“画布”上而不是“框架”上。这使您可以选择绘制一个可以在精灵周围跟踪的多边形。然后让它随精灵一起移动,然后简单地检查它是否与墙,敌人,子弹,陷阱或您能想到的其他东西重叠。这将为您提供更大的灵活性。

