#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
#define PI 3.14159265
float Afghanistan[2] = { 34.51666667,69.183333 };
float Albania[2] = { 41.31666667,19.816667 };
float Countries[2][2] =
{ Afghanistan[0], Afghanistan[1]},
{Albania[0], Albania[1]}
float x;
float z[2];
float y;
float a;
float b;
float distances;
string CountryChoice;
float distanceBetweenTwoPoints(float x, float y, float a, float b);
int main() {
float j[2];
cout << " Select Country:" << endl;
cin >> CountryChoice;
std::copy(std::begin(CountryChoice), std::end(CountryChoice), std::begin(j)); // idea being that string is entered by user, and if it corresponds with a country , then J is filled with the value of the selected countries array
cout << " CountryChoice= " << CountryChoice << endl;
cout << " J int x =" << j[0] << " " << j[1] << endl;
distances = distanceBetweenTwoPoints(j[0], j[1], Albania[0], Albania[1]);
cout << "The answer is : " << distances << "KM" << endl;
float distanceBetweenTwoPoints(float x, float y, float a, float b) {
float diflat = x - y;
float diflong = a - b;
float f, c, d;
float R = 6371;
f = pow((sin(diflat / 2)), 2) + cos(x) * cos(y) * pow((sin(diflong / 2)), 2);
c = 2 * atan2(sqrt(f), sqrt(1 - f));
d = R * c;
return d;