## definition of the variable parameters ISC and STA
kISC_vector = np.logspace(5, 7, 100)
kSTA_vector = np.logspace(-8, -13, 1000) * 10**(-6) * N
data_to_write = np.zeros([len(kISC_vector)*len(kSTA_vector),3])
# for loop over all the value of kISC and kSTA
for ii in range(len(kISC_vector)) :
for jj in range(len(kSTA_vector)) :
###### solution of the system ######
S_init = np.array([1,0,0])
# state population initialization (S0 = 1, S1 = 0, T1 = 0)
S1_solution = np.zeros((len(t),1))
# 2D array to store the value of S1,T1 after each iteration of the following for loop
Ip = Ipump[2]
kISC = kISC_vector[ii]
kSTA = kSTA_vector[jj]
# vector of the parameters
p = [Ip, Sp, kSTA, kISC]
# solver
solution = odeint(equation, S_init, t, args = (p,))
# storage of the S1 solution vectors
S1_solution = solution[:,1]
# Normalization
S1_solution /= np.amax( S1_solution )
# compute the goodness of the fit compared to the experimental data
sigma = np.sqrt( np.sum( (PL_3_exp - S1_solution)**2 ) / len(t_exp) )
#plt.plot(t*10**9, S1_solution, '-')
# Gather all the relevant data
data_to_write[ii*len(kSTA_vector) + jj, :] = [kISC,kSTA/(10**(-6)*N),sigma]
我得到了预期的结果,并且整个过程似乎都很好,但是有没有更优雅的方式来解决这种问题呢?避免多重for循环? 也许用两个参数创建一个网格网格,使用不知道的元组概念。我是这种语言的新手,所以也许你们会知道更多。 谢谢