val addUrl = "myurl"
val queue = Volley.newRequestQueue(this)
val postRequest = object : StringRequest(Request.Method.POST, addUrl,
Response.Listener<String> { response ->
//Toast.makeText(this, response, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
}, Response.ErrorListener {
//Toast.makeText(this, "Something wrong", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
}) {
override fun getParams(): Map<String, String> {
val params = HashMap<String, String>()
params.put("uid", uid.toString())
return params
val queue = Volley.newRequestQueue(this)
因为说我不能使用“ this”
类型不匹配:推断的类型是DataContainer,但是上下文!原为 预期的
我的数据容器不扩展:AppCompatActivity():所以我不能使用“ this @ Activity”作为另一个在网上找到的建议
class DataContainer {
val noH = 32
val TAG = "DataContainer"
private var mDb : GlucoseDataBase
private val lock = java.lang.Object()
private var lastTimeStamp : Int = 0
private val user = FirebaseAuth.getInstance().currentUser
var uid:String? = null.toString()
//private var raw_data : ByteArray = byteArrayOf()
private var readings : MutableList<ByteArray> = mutableListOf()
constructor(context : Context) {
mDb = GlucoseDataBase.getInstance(context)
fun append(raw_data: ByteArray, readingTime: Long, sensorId : Long) {
user?.let {
// Name, email address, and profile photo Url
//val name = user.displayName
//val email = user.email
//val photoUrl = user.photoUrl
// Check if user's email is verified
//val emailVerified = user.isEmailVerified
// The user's ID, unique to the Firebase project. Do NOT use this value to
// authenticate with your backend server, if you have one. Use
// FirebaseUser.getToken() instead.
uid = user.uid
synchronized(lock) {
val timestamp = RawParser.timestamp(raw_data)
if (timestamp == 0) {
mDb.sensorContactDao().insert(SensorContact(0, readingTime, sensorId, 0, 0))
// Timestamp is 2 mod 15 every time a new reading to history is done.
val minutesSinceLast = (timestamp + 12) % 15
val start = readingTime - Time.MINUTE * (15 * (noH - 1) + minutesSinceLast)
val now_history = RawParser.history(raw_data)
val now_recent = RawParser.recent(raw_data)
Log.i("UID", uid.toString());
val history_prepared = prepare(now_history, sensorId, 15 * Time.MINUTE, start, minutesSinceLast != 14 && timestamp < Time.DURATION_MINUTES, true)
val data = history_prepared.toList();
// val data2= data[0] //primo elemento più vecchio (di timestamp) //proviamo con history[0]??
//val data2 = data[0].value // elemento valore dell più vecchio
Log.i("Data History full p", data.toString());
//Log.i("Data history prepared",data2.toString());
val start_recent =
if (history_prepared.isEmpty()) {
val last = mDb.glucoseEntryDao().getLast(sensorId, true)
if (last != null) {
min(last.utcTimeStamp, readingTime - 16 * Time.MINUTE)
} else {
readingTime - 16 * Time.MINUTE
} else {
min(readingTime - 16 * Time.MINUTE, history_prepared.last().utcTimeStamp)
val recent_prepared = prepare(now_recent, sensorId, 1 * Time.MINUTE, start_recent, true, false)
val added = extend(recent_prepared) + extend(history_prepared)
mDb.sensorContactDao().insert(SensorContact(0, sensorId, readingTime, timestamp, added))
Log.i("Data recent prepared",recent_prepared.toString());
//creating volley string request
lastTimeStamp = timestamp
val addUrl = "myrurl"
val queue = Volley.newRequestQueue()
val postRequest = object : StringRequest(Request.Method.POST, addUrl,
Response.Listener<String> { response ->
//Toast.makeText(this, response, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
}, Response.ErrorListener {
//Toast.makeText(this, "Something wrong", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
}) {
override fun getParams(): Map<String, String> {
val params = HashMap<String, String>()
params.put("uid", uid.toString())
return params
fun get_sz_raw_data() : Int {
return readings.size
fun get_raw_data(i: Int) : ByteArray{
if(0<= i && i < readings.size)
return readings[i]
return byteArrayOf()
fun insert(v: List<GlucoseEntry>) {
if(size() != 0) return
for(g in v) {
Log.d(TAG, String.format("inserted %d vales into database", v.size))
private fun extend(v: List<GlucoseReading>) : Int {
synchronized(lock) {
val toExtend = v.filter { g: GlucoseReading -> g.status != 0 && g.value > 10 }
.map { g: GlucoseReading -> GlucoseEntry(g, 0) }
for (r: GlucoseEntry in toExtend) {
Log.d(TAG, "Inserted into db!")
return toExtend.size
// Inspects last entry from the same sensor and filters out all that are already logged.
private fun prepare(chunks : List<SensorChunk>,
sensorId : Long,
dt : Long,
start : Long,
certain : Boolean,
isHistory: Boolean) : List<GlucoseReading> {
val lastRecent = mDb.glucoseEntryDao().getLast(sensorId, isHistory)
if(lastRecent != null) {
var match = -1
for (i in 0 until chunks.size) {
if (lastRecent.eq(chunks[i])) {
match = i
if(match > -1) {
val range = IntRange(match + 1, chunks.size - 1)
return chunks.slice(range)
.mapIndexed { i: Int, chunk: SensorChunk ->
lastRecent.utcTimeStamp + (i + 1) * dt, sensorId)
else {
return chunks.mapIndexed { i: Int, chunk: SensorChunk ->
start + i * dt, sensorId)
return chunks.mapIndexed { i: Int, chunk: SensorChunk ->
GlucoseReading(chunk, start + i * dt, sensorId)
fun nice(g : GlucoseEntry) : Boolean = g.status == 200 && (g.value < 5000 && g.value > 10)
fun get(after: Long, before : Long) : List<GlucoseEntry> {
return get(after, before, true)
fun get(after: Long, before : Long, nice : Boolean) : List<GlucoseEntry> {
synchronized(lock) {
val v = mDb.glucoseEntryDao().getBetween(after, before).orEmpty().sortedBy{ g -> g.utcTimeStamp }
if(!nice) return v
else return v.filter{g -> nice(g)}
private fun last() : GlucoseEntry? {
return mDb.glucoseEntryDao().getLast(false)
fun guess() : Pair<GlucoseReading, GlucoseReading>? {
val last = last()
if(last == null || !nice(last)) return null
val last_as_reading = GlucoseReading(last.value, last.utcTimeStamp, last.sensorId, last.status, false, 0)
val candidates = get(last.utcTimeStamp - Time.MINUTE*5, last.utcTimeStamp)
val real = candidates.filter{g -> g.history == false && g.sensorId == last.sensorId}
if(real.isEmpty()) return null
val entry = real.first()
val guess = last.value * 2 - entry.value
val time = last.utcTimeStamp * 2 - entry.utcTimeStamp
return Pair(last_as_reading, GlucoseReading(guess,
last.sensorId, last.status, false, 0))
fun lastTimeStamp() : Int {
synchronized(lock){return lastTimeStamp}
fun size() : Int {
synchronized(lock) {
val sz = mDb.glucoseEntryDao().getSize()
return sz
fun insertManual(manual : ManualGlucoseEntry) {
synchronized(lock) {
companion object {
private var INSTANCE : DataContainer? = null
fun getInstance(context : Context) : DataContainer {
if (INSTANCE == null) {
synchronized(DataContainer::class) {
if(INSTANCE == null)
INSTANCE = DataContainer(context)
return this.INSTANCE!!
/* fun applicationContext() : Context {
return INSTANCE!!.applicationContext
fun destroyInstance(){
if(INSTANCE != null){
答案 0 :(得分:1)
class DataContainer(val context : Context) {
init {
mDb = GlucoseDataBase.getInstance(context)
val queue = Volley.newRequestQueue(context)