
时间:2019-11-08 13:34:02

标签: xcode macos flutter cocoapods macos-mojave

我在堆栈溢出和GitHub中尝试了所有建议和解决方案,但是我无法运行pod install,但得到pod:命令未找到,而且我的pod文件为空。

 Warning: CocoaPods not installed. Skipping pod install.
  CocoaPods is used to retrieve the iOS and macOS platform side's plugin code that responds
  to your plugin usage on the Dart side.
  Without CocoaPods, plugins will not work on iOS or macOS.
  For more info, see https://flutter.dev/platform-plugins
To install:
  sudo gem install cocoapods

Running Xcode build...
Xcode build done.                                            6.4s
Failed to build iOS app
Error output from Xcode build:
    ** BUILD FAILED **

 Xcode's output:
    error: /Users/seyedaliaghamali/Documents/projects/my_app/ios/Flutter/Debug.xcconfig:1: 
could not find included file 'Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-Runner/Pods-
Runner.debug.xcconfig' in search paths (in target 'Runner')
    error: /Users/seyedaliaghamali/Documents/projects/my_app/ios/Flutter/Debug.xcconfig:1: 
could not find included file 'Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-Runner/Pods-
Runner.debug.xcconfig' in search paths (in target 'Runner')
    error: /Users/seyedaliaghamali/Documents/projects/my_app/ios/Flutter/Debug.xcconfig:1: 
could not find included file 'Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-Runner/Pods-
Runner.debug.xcconfig' in search paths (in target 'Runner')
    error: /Users/seyedaliaghamali/Documents/projects/my_app/ios/Flutter/Debug.xcconfig:1: 
could not find included file 'Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-Runner/Pods-
Runner.debug.xcconfig' in search paths (in target 'Runner')
    error: /Users/seyedaliaghamali/Documents/projects/my_app/ios/Flutter/Debug.xcconfig:1: 
could not find included file 'Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-Runner/Pods-
Runner.debug.xcconfig' in search paths (in target 'Runner')
    error: /Users/seyedaliaghamali/Documents/projects/my_app/ios/Flutter/Debug.xcconfig:1: 
could not find included file 'Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-Runner/Pods-
Runner.debug.xcconfig' in search paths (in target 'Runner')
    warning: Capabilities for Runner may not function correctly because its entitlements 
use a placeholder team ID. To resolve this, select a development team in the build settings 
editor. (in target 'Runner')
    note: Using new build systemnote: Planning buildnote: Constructing build description

Could not build the application for the simulator.
Error launching application on iPhone Xʀ.

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