我在用1个列中的xlrd替换1个字符时遇到问题。 此字符是。我要替换为- xlmx文件中的数据为(。。****),需要为(--****) 所以我用xlrd导入了de xlmx,但是在完成后我不知道如何更改列中条纹的点,它将直接将文件导入MYSQL。
import xlrd, xlwt
import pymysql as MySQLdb
# Open the workbook and define the worksheet
oldbook = xlrd.open_workbook("file location")
wb = copy(oldbook)
sheet = oldbook.sheet_by_index(0)
# Source
# Establish a MySQL connection
database = MySQLdb.connect (host="localhost", user = "root", passwd = "", db = "mydb")
# Get the cursor, which is used to traverse the database, line by line
cursor = database.cursor()
# Create the INSERT INTO sql query
query = """INSERT INTO leden (lidid, name, date) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)"""
# Create a For loop to iterate through each row in the XLS file, starting at row 2 to skip the headers
for r in range(1, sheet.nrows):
lidid = sheet.cell(r,1).value
name = sheet.cell(r,2).value
date = sheet.cell(r,4).value
# Assign values from each row
values = (lidid, name, date)
# Execute sql Query
cursor.execute(query, values)
# Close the cursor
# Commit the transaction
# Close the database connection