
时间:2019-11-06 21:28:25

标签: r tensorflow machine-learning keras lstm



#partitioning the data and splitting
ind <- sample(2, nrow(data), replace = T, prob = c(0.7,0.3))
training <- as.matrix(data[ind==1, 1:20])
test<- as.matrix(data[ind==2, 1:20])
trainingtarget <- as.matrix(data[ind==1, 21:25])
testtarget<- as.matrix(data[ind==2, 21:25])
#reshaping the data to 3D arrays:
xarray <- array(data = training, dim = c(nrow(training), 1, 20))
yarray <- array(data = trainingtarget, dim = c(nrow(trainingtarget), 1, 
model <- keras_model_sequential()
model %>%
  layer_lstm(units = 50, 
              input_shape = c(1,20), 
              batch_size  = 1) %>% 
   layer_dense(units = 1)
model %>% 
  compile(loss = 'mae', optimizer = 'adam')
model %>% fit(x = xarray, 
              y = yarray, 
              batch_size = 1,
              epochs     = 10, 
              verbose    = 1, 
              shuffle    = FALSE)


“ C:\ Users \ MUSTAF〜1 \ DOCUME〜1 \ CONDA〜1 \ envs \ R-RETI〜1 \ lib \ site-packages \ tensorflow \ python \ framework \ dtypes.py:516:FutureWarning:传递不赞成使用(type,1)或'1type'作为type的同义词;在numpy的未来版本中,它将被理解为(type,(1,))/'(1,)type'。   _np_qint8 = np.dtype([(“ qint8”,np.int8,1)]) C:\ Users \ MUSTAF〜1 \ DOCUME〜1 \ CONDA〜1 \ envs \ R-RETI〜1 \ lib \ site-packages \ tensorflow \ python \ framework \ dtypes.py:517:FutureWarning:Passing(type,1 )或不赞成使用“ 1type”作为type的同义词;在numpy的未来版本中,它将被理解为(type,(1,))/'(1,)type'。   _np_quint8 = np.dtype([(“ quint8”,np.uint8,1)]) C:\ Users \ MUSTAF〜1 \ DOCUME〜1 \ CONDA〜1 \ envs \ R-RETI〜1 \ lib \ site-packages \ tensorflow \ python \ framework \ dtypes.py:518:FutureWarning:Passing(type,1 )或不赞成使用“ 1type”作为type的同义词;在numpy的未来版本中,它将被理解为(type,(1,))/'(1,)type'。   _np_qint16 = np.dtype([(“ qint16”,np.int16,1)]) C:\ Users \ MUSTAF〜1 \ DOCUME〜1 \ CONDA〜1 \ envs \ R-RETI〜1 \ lib \ site-packages \ tensorflow \ python \ framework \ dtypes.py:519:FutureWarning:Passing(type,1 )或不赞成使用“ 1type”作为type的同义词;在numpy的未来版本中,它将被理解为(type,(1,))/'(1,)type'。   _np_quint16 = np.dtype([(“” quint16“,np.uint16,1)]) C:\ Users \ MUSTAF〜1 \ DOCUME〜1 \ CONDA〜1 \ envs \ R-RETI〜1 \ lib \ site-packages \ tensorflow \ python \ framework \ dtypes.py:520:FutureWarning:Passing(type,1 )或不赞成使用“ 1type”作为type的同义词;在numpy的未来版本中,它将被理解为(type,(1,))/'(1,)type'。   _np_qint32 = np.dtype([(“ qint32”,np.int32,1)]) C:\ Users \ MUSTAF〜1 \ DOCUME〜1 \ CONDA〜1 \ envs \ R-RETI〜1 \ lib \ site-packages \ tensorflow \ python \ framework \ dtypes.py:525:FutureWarning:Passing(type,1 )或不赞成使用“ 1type”作为type的同义词;在numpy的未来版本中,它将被理解为(type,(1,))/'(1,)type'。   np_resource = np.dtype([(“ resource”,np.ubyte,1)]) C:\ Users \ MUSTAF〜1 \ DOCUME〜1 \ CONDA〜1 \ envs \ R-RETI〜1 \ lib \ site-packages \ tensorboard \ compat \ tensorflow_stub \ dtypes.py:541:FutureWarning:Passing(type,1 )或不赞成使用“ 1type”作为type的同义词;在numpy的未来版本中,它将被理解为(type,(1,))/'(1,)type'。   _np_qint8 = np.dtype([(“ qint8”,np.int8,1)]) C:\ Users \ MUSTAF〜1 \ DOCUME〜1 \ CONDA〜1 \ envs \ R-RETI〜1 \ lib \ site-packages \ tensorboard \ compat \ tensorflow_stub \ dtypes.py:542:FutureWarning:Passing(type,1 )或不赞成使用“ 1type”作为type的同义词;在numpy的未来版本中,它将被理解为(type,(1,))/'(1,)type'。   _np_quint8 = np.dtype([(“ quint8”,np.uint8,1)]) C:\ Users \ MUSTAF〜1 \ DOCUME〜1 \ CONDA〜1 \ envs \ R-RETI〜1 \ lib \ site-packages \ tensorboard \ compat \ tensorflow_stub \ dtypes.py:543:FutureWarning:Passing(type,1 )或不赞成使用“ 1type”作为type的同义词;在numpy的未来版本中,它将被理解为(type,(1,))/'(1,)type'。   _np_qint16 = np.dtype([(“ qint16”,np.int16,1)]) C:\ Users \ MUSTAF〜1 \ DOCUME〜1 \ CONDA〜1 \ envs \ R-RETI〜1 \ lib \ site-packages \ tensorboard \ compat \ tensorflow_stub \ dtypes.py:544:FutureWarning:Passing(type,1 )或不赞成使用“ 1type”作为type的同义词;在numpy的未来版本中,它将被理解为(type,(1,))/'(1,)type'。   _np_quint16 = np.dtype([(“” quint16“,np.uint16,1)]) C:\ Users \ MUSTAF〜1 \ DOCUME〜1 \ CONDA〜1 \ envs \ R-RETI〜1 \ lib \ site-packages \ tensorboard \ compat \ tensorflow_stub \ dtypes.py:545:FutureWarning:Passing(type,1 )或不赞成使用“ 1type”作为type的同义词;在numpy的未来版本中,它将被理解为(type,(1,))/'(1,)type'。   _np_qint32 = np.dtype([(“ qint32”,np.int32,1)]) C:\ Users \ MUSTAF〜1 \ DOCUME〜1 \ CONDA〜1 \ envs \ R-RETI〜1 \ lib \ site-packages \ tensorboard \ compat \ tensorflow_stub \ dtypes.py:550:FutureWarning:Passing(type,1 )或不赞成使用“ 1type”作为type的同义词;在numpy的未来版本中,它将被理解为(type,(1,))/'(1,)type'。   np_resource = np.dtype([(“ resource”,np.ubyte,1)]) 警告:tensorflow: TensorFlow contrib模块不会包含在TensorFlow 2.0中。 有关更多信息,请参见:   * https://github.com/tensorflow/community/blob/master/rfcs/20180907-contrib-sunset.md   * https://github.com/tensorflow/addons   * https://github.com/tensorflow/io(用于与I / O相关的操作) 如果您依赖那里未列出的功能,请提出问题。

2019-11-06 15:26:31.916062:I tensorflow / core / platform / cpu_feature_guard.cc:142]您的CPU支持该TensorFlow二进制文件未编译为使用的指令:AVX2 py_call_impl中的错误(可调用,dots $ args,dots $ keywords):   InvalidArgumentError:data [0] .shape = [3]不是以索引[0] .shape = [2]开头      [[{{node Adam / gradients / loss / dense_loss / Mean_grad / DynamicStitch}}]]

详细的回溯:   第780行的文件“ C:\ Users \ MUSTAF〜1 \ DOCUME〜1 \ CONDA〜1 \ envs \ R-RETI〜1 \ lib \ site-packages \ tensorflow \ python \ keras \ engine \ training.py”适合     steps_name ='steps_per_epoch')   第363行的文件“ C:\ Users \ MUSTAF〜1 \ DOCUME〜1 \ CONDA〜1 \ envs \ R-RETI〜1 \ lib \ site-packages \ tensorflow \ python \ keras \ engine \ training_arrays.py” model_iteration     batch_outs = f(ins_batch)   文件“ C:\ Users \ MUSTAF〜1 \ DOCUME〜1 \ CONDA〜1 \ envs \ R-RETI〜1 \ lib \ site-packages \ tensorflow \ python \ keras \ backend.py”,行3292,致电     run_metadata = self.run_metadata)   文件“ C:\ Users \ MUSTAF〜1 \ DOCUME〜1 \ CONDA〜1 \ envs \ R-RETI〜1 \ lib \ site-packages \ tensorflow \ python \ client \ session.py”,行1458, >致电     run_metadata_ptr)“

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