使用Spring JPA编写动态查询的方法

时间:2019-11-06 09:44:55

标签: java spring spring-boot jpa spring-data-jpa


我的问题是我应该如何解决这一要求。最初,我正在考虑以这样一种方式编写单个查询,该方式将使所有过滤器具有表上的所有联接,但这对性能不友好。我也是Spring JPA的新手。因此,如果任何人过去都满足了这样的要求,请要求您分享它是如何实现的,或者如果有人对如何实现它有建议,请要求您分享。

@Query(value = "SELECT "
    + "a.GROUP_REF_ID as refId "
    + "count(case when c.STAT_CD in :userStatus then (c.grp_user_id) end) as numberOfUsers, "
    + "count(case when b.STAT_CD in :itemStatus then (b.grp_item_id) end) as numberOfItems  "
    + "from grp a left join grp_item b on a.grp_id=b.grp_id left join grp_user c on a.grp_id=c.grp_id "
    + "where a.stat_cd in :status and a.co_id in :cids "
    + "group by a.GROUP_REF_ID,a.grp_nam,a.GRP_DESC,a.co_id,a.co_nam,a.CRTE_BY, "
    + "a.CRTE_DT,a.UPDT_BY,a.UPDT_DT ", countQuery = "select count(*) from grp where stat_cd in :status and co_id in :cids ", nativeQuery = true)
public Page<Object> findByStatusAndCompanyIdIn(@Param("status") String status, @Param("cids") List<Long> companyIds,
    @Param("userStatus") List<GroupUserStatus> userStatus,
    @Param("itemStatus") List<GroupItemStatus> itemStatus, Pageable pageable);

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Spring Data JPA提供了specifications的便捷使用,非常适合过滤。


public static Specification<Grp> status(final String status) {
    // EQUAL clause
    return (grp, query, cb) -> cb.equal(grp.<String>get("status"), status);

public static Specification<Grp> companyIds(final List<Long> companyIds) {
    // IN clause
    return (grp, query, cb) -> grp.<Long>get("co_id").in(companyIds);


Specifications<Grp> spec = Specifications.where(status(myStatus))


List<Grp> grps = grpRepository.findAll(spec);