
时间:2019-11-05 18:03:33

标签: list python-2.7 file




Employeesl=[]#sets a list for employees
hrRatel=[]#sets a list for hourly pay rates
hrWorkl=[]#sets a list for hours worked
Employees=open('C:\\MGMT28800\\names.txt') #sets a variable for employees
hrRate=open('C:\\MGMT28800\\rates.txt') #sets a variable for hourly pay rates
hrWork=open('C:\\MGMT28800\\hours.txt') #sets a variable for hours worked
Employeesc=Employees.read()#sets variable to the file
hrRatec=hrRate.read()#sets variable to the file
hrWorkc=hrWork.read()#sets variable to the file
Employeesl=Employeesc.split('\n')#splits the file data into a list
hrRatel=hrRatec.split('\n')#splits the file data into a list
hrWorkl=hrWorkc.split('\n')#splits the file data into a list


def payCalc(hrRatel,hrWorkl):#create function
        logging.debug('Start of payCalc for iteration (%s)' % (i))
        if hrWorkl[i]<=40:#tells payment for employees with equal to and sub 40 work hours
            z=hrWorkl[i]*hrRatel[i]#equation to solve for payment
            return z
            logging.debug('End of payCalc for iteration (%s)' % (i))
        elif 40<hrWorkl[i]<=80:#payment for those with more than 40 hrs. Accounts for overtime, but restricts more than 80 hrs of work per period
            x=hrWorkl[i]#sets a variable equal to employees work time
            a=x-40# finds how many hours overtime worked
            opay=a*1.5*hrRatel[i]# figures out overtime payment
            b=hrWorkl[i]-a#sets the 40 hours not overtime
            pay=b*hrRatel[i]#calculates the 40 hours of pay at the base rate
            z=pay+opay#adds base and overtime pay
            logging.debug('You will pay '+str(z)+' to '+Employeesl[i]+'.')
            return z
            logging.debug('End of payCalc for iteration (%s)' % (i))
            raise Exception(Employeesl[i]+' has worked more than 80 hours, totaling to '+str(hrWorkl[i])+'.')
            logging.debug('End of payCalc for iteration (%s)' % (i))


for i in range(len(Employeesl)):#sets a loop to print out the employee follwoed by their specific pay for the pay period
        if hrRatel[i]==str:
            raise Exception('The rate ('+str(hrRatel[i])+') must be a number')
            hrRatel[i]=map(float,hrRatel[i])#ensures all rates are floated
        if hrWorkl[i]==str:
            raise Exception('The hours worked ('+str(hrWorkl)+') must be a number')
            hrWorkl[i]=map(int,hrWorkl[i])#ensures all rates are numbers
        z=payCalc(hrRatel,hrWorkl)#calls the payCalc() function
        Total=Total+z#provides a count of all the salaries added up

    except Exception as err:
        print('An error has occured, '+str(err))

我希望它能告诉我fabio fakerson已经工作了80多个小时,无论文件说了80多个小时都工作了。相反,当我让他工作81个小时时,它输出:发生了错误,fabio fakerson已经工作了80多个小时,总计[8,1]。


发生错误,无法将字符串转换为float:。 发生错误,无法将字符串转换为float:。


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