“ Kealoha Taylor Patrovillanovastronsky,(808)-555-5555,kt_p22 @ htecheng.org,https://www.htecheng.org/finance/htech/d8/cpt554/patrovillanovastonsky/”在此示例中,仅网站的字符为72个字符。
Kealoha Taylor Patrovillanovastronsky, (808)-555-5555, kt_p22@
htecheng.org, https://www.htecheng.org/finance/htech/d8/cpt554
Sub Send2text()
Dim Str1, STRin, STRin1, STRin2, STRin3, STRin4, STRout As String
Dim ArrWords, ArrWords1, ArrWords2, ArrWords3, ArrWord4, STRWord As Variant
Dim FilePath As String
STRin = Slide4.UserInput.Text
STRin1 = Slide4.UserInput1.Text
STRin2 = Slide4.UserInput2.Text
STRin3 = Slide4.UserInput3.Text
STRin4 = Slide4.UserInput4.Text
ArrWords = Split(STRin, " ")
ArrWords1 = Split(STRin1, " ")
ArrWords2 = Split(STRin2, " ")
ArrWords3 = Split(STRin3, " ")
ArrWords4 = Split(STRin4, " ")
'''' Open the text file and prepare it for updates ''''
FilePath = "C:\Documents|History.txt"
TextFile = FreeFile
Open FilePath For Append As TextFile
'''' begin writing updates ''''
For Each STRWord In ArrWords
If Len(STRout) + Len(STRWord) <= 69 Then
If STRout = "" Then STRout = STRWord Else STRout = STRout & " " & STRWord
ElseIf Len(STRout) + Len(STRWord) >= 69 Then
If Strl = "" Then
Str1 = STRout
Print #TextFile, Str1
STRout = " " & STRWord ' the indent is needed for the paragraph marker
Str1 = ""
GoTo Line1
End If
End If
Next STRWord
Print #TextFile, STRout
STRout = ""
For Each STRWord In ArrWords1
If Len(STRout) + Len(STRWord) <= 69 Then
If STRout = "" Then STRout = STRWord Else STRout = STRout & " " & STRWord
ElseIf Len(STRout) + Len(STRWord) >= 69 Then
If Strl = "" Then
Str1 = STRout
Print #TextFile, Str1
STRout = " " & STRWord ' the indent is needed for the paragraph marker)
Str1 = ""
GoTo Line2
End If
End If
Next STRWord
Print #TextFile, STRout
STRout = ""
For Each STRWord In ArrWords2
If Len(STRout) + Len(STRWord) <= 69 Then
If STRout = "" Then STRout = STRWord Else STRout = STRout & " " & STRWord
ElseIf Len(STRout) + Len(STRWord) >= 69 Then
If Strl = "" Then
Str1 = STRout
Print #TextFile, Str1
STRout = " " & STRWord ' the indent is needed for the paragraph marker)
Str1 = ""
GoTo Line3
End If
End If
Next STRWord
Print #TextFile, STRout
STRout = ""
Close TextFile
End With
End Sub
非常感谢您的协助。 问候, 罗伯特