我正在用python进行比赛,现在我有4辆“汽车”,每轮比赛他们都在1到10之间滚动,并且在该回合之后,我想显示类似“ carX领先”的信息的“ Y””,我对如何比较每辆车的滚动和根据哪一个最高的文本打印出特定文本有些迷惑。
答案 0 :(得分:1)
因此,基本上,您正在寻找“ argmax”实现。 这意味着您有N个值(滚动),与N个索引(汽车)相对应,并且您想查找哪个索引包含最高的值。
在您的情况下,给定N = 4,您可以比较所有变量。这将为您提供4种情况(每辆获胜的汽车一个),并进行3次比较。实际上是3例,因为如果前3例未获胜,那么第四例则反抗。 每种情况如下:
if car_1 >= car_2 && car_1 > car_3 && car_1 > car_4:
print("Car 1 is in the lead with a roll of {}".format(car_1))
list_cars = [car_1, car_2, car_3, car_4]
由于默认的“ max”函数只会为您提供值(滚动),而不是给其值的汽车,因此我们将为该函数提供list_cars的索引列表,以及为每个变量指定一个键索引,而是使用相应汽车的价值。所以:
func = lambda idx: list_cars[idx]
best_car = max(range(len(list_cars)), key = func)
结果“ best_car”将是介于0和3之间的数字,这是值最高的汽车。那你就打印
print("Car {} is in the lead with a roll of {}".format(best_car + 1, list_cars[best_car]))
我们使用best_car + 1打印汽车的编号,因为索引从0开始计数,汽车从1开始计数。
答案 1 :(得分:0)
您需要一些原始的“数据结构”来存储比赛的实际结果。 然后计算最高分,然后选择最高分的参赛者。 将其转换为python:
from random import randint
# roll will generate numbers (uniformly) between LO,HI (HI is inclusive)
roll=lambda : randint(LO,HI)
# generate the participiants of the race
# here the first element is the cumulative point
parti=[[0,"car"+str(i)] for i in range(n)]
R=10 # num of rounds
while r<R:
for i in range(n):
# compute the top point
mx=max(v[0] for v in parti)
# select the top contestants
top=','.join([v[1] for v in parti if v[0]==mx])
# report the state
print('after the {0:d}. round {1:s} on the top with {2:d} points'.format(r,top,mx))
答案 2 :(得分:0)
import random
number_of_rounds = 10
cars = {'Car1': 0, 'Car2':0, 'Car3':0,'Car4':0} #dictionary of cars
for round in range(1,number_of_rounds+1):
for car in cars:
roll_value = random.random()*9 + 1 # get the random value from 1 to 10
roll_value = int(roll_value) #convert to int
cars[car] = cars[car] + roll_value
print cars
leading_car = max(cars, key=cars.get) # find the key with highest value
print leading_car + " is in the lead with a roll of " + str(round)
答案 3 :(得分:-1)
# I don't know exactly what you're using but you define your vars up here!
carX = 2
carY = 5
carZ = 3
carN = 7
# Checks every round to see if carX is in the lead
while (carX > carY and carX > carZ and carX > carN):
print(f"Car X is in the Lead with a roll of {carX}!")
# Re-roll and add the values again
# Checks if carY is in the lead
while (carY > carX and carY > carZ and carX > carN):
print(f"Car Y is in the Lead with a roll of {carY}!")
# Re-roll and add the values again
while (carZ > carX and carZ > carY and carZ > carN):
print(f"Car Z is in the Lead with a roll of {carZ}!")
# Re-roll and add the values again
while (carN > carX and carN > carY and carN > carZ):
print(f"Car Z is in the Lead with a roll of {carZ}!")
# Re-roll and add the values again