背景: 我正在为我的学校作业编写一个益智游戏。我有一个保存在文本文件中的益智游戏。现在,我通过读取保存的文本文件将其加载到表单中。在文本文件中,前两行是图块(2d PictureBoxes)的总行数和列数,随后的几行是每个PictureBox的行号,列号和图像索引。
方法: 我使用的是Tile(从PictureBox类继承的自定义控件类)引用的二维数组,并使用嵌套循环读取每个tile的(PictureBoxes)信息。行号,列号和图像索引。 tile类具有名为Row,Column和TileType的属性。我正在尝试为嵌套循环内的属性分配值。
//Tile Class
public class Tile : PictureBox
private int row;
private int column;
private int tileType;
public int Row{get; set;}
public int Column { get; set; }
public int TileType { get; set; }
public Tile[,] LoadPictureBoxes(string filename)
Tile[,] tile;
//Read the file
if (System.IO.File.Exists(filename) == true)
StreamReader load = new StreamReader(filename);
int nRow = int.Parse(load.ReadLine());
int nCol = int.Parse(load.ReadLine());
//declare two dimensional array of Tile Reference
tile = new Tile[nRow, nCol];
//using nested loop to read each tile's information
for(int i=0; i < nRow; i++)
for(int j=0; j < nCol; j++)
tile[i, j].Row = int.Parse(load.ReadLine()); //gets an exception here
tile[i, j].Column = int.Parse(load.ReadLine()); //gets an exception here
tile[i, j].TileType = int.Parse(load.ReadLine()); //gets an exception here
return tile;
return new Tile[0, 0];
private void loadToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
DialogResult r = dlgLoad.ShowDialog();
switch (r)
case DialogResult.Cancel:
case DialogResult.OK:
string fileName = dlgLoad.FileName;
Tile[,] tile = LoadPictureBoxes(fileName);
int leftPos = 100;
int topPos = 0;
int height = 100;
int width = 100;
int rowCount = 0;
int columnCount = 0;
//loop after each row of picturebox is generated
for (int rowNumber = 0; rowNumber < tile.GetLength(0); ++rowNumber)
for (int colNumber = 0; colNumber < tile.GetLength(1); ++colNumber)
Tile pic = new Tile();
pic.Left = leftPos;
pic.Top = topPos;
pic.Height = height;
pic.Width = width;
pic.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.Fixed3D;
pic.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage;
tile[rowCount, columnCount] = pic;
leftPos += width;
topPos += height;
pnlLoadGame.Size = new Size(100 * rowCount, 100 * columnCount);
pnlGameScore.Left = 100 + 100 * columnCount;
答案 0 :(得分:1)
您的问题之所以会发生,是因为即使将数组定义为tile = new Tile[nRow, nCol];
tile[i, j] = new Tile();
tile[i, j].Row = int.Parse(load.ReadLine());
tile[i, j].Column = int.Parse(load.ReadLine());
tile[i, j].TileType = int.Parse(load.ReadLine());