
时间:2019-11-02 21:30:27

标签: python


import time

#Cracking PINs

pin = str(input('Type in your 6-digit PIN, it MUST be a number: \n'))
pinLength = len(pin)
solvePin = 0.000002
easyPins = [000000, 0.123456, 0.11111, 0.222222, 0.333333, 0.444444, 0.555555, 0.666666, 0.777777, 0.888888, 0.999999, 0.456123]
pin = int(pin)
pin = pin/1000000

#PIN strength

while(pin in easyPins):
  print('Your PIN is too weak, make another one')
  pin = int(input())

print('Strong PIN!')

#Checking PIN Length and Cracking PIN

startTime = time.time()

if(pinLength == 8):
  confirmPin = int(input('Confirm your PIN \n'))
  confirmPin = confirmPin/1000000
  while(confirmPin != pin):
    print('Not the same PIN\n')
    confirmPin = int(input('Please retype your PIN\n'))
  while(solvePin != confirmPin):
    solvePin += 0.000001
    while (pinLength != 8):
     int(input('Your PIN is too long or short, type again.\n'))

print(' ')
print('Your Pin is')

endTime = time.time()
print(' ')
print ('Elapsed time in seconds', ((endTime - startTime)))

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

您有if(pinLength == 8)行,但是您在提示人们输入6位数的密码。因此,if永远是不正确的。

此外,以下else块未正确缩进。它没有与if(pinLength == 8)对齐,因此else也不会被调用。

  while (pinLength != 8):
    int(input('Your PIN is too long or short, type again.\n'))



import time

easyPins = ["12345678", "87654321"]
#Cracking PINs
while True: # Keeps looping until broken
    rawpin = input('Type in your 8-digit PIN, it MUST be a number: \n')
    if len(rawpin) != 8:
        print("Pin must be 8 digits! Please try again...")
        continue # Restart at the top of the loop
    # Checks if all characters in the pin are the same, circa https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14320909/efficiently-checking-that-string-consists-of-one-character-in-python
    if rawpin  == len(rawpin ) * rawpin [0]:
        print('Your PIN cannot all be the same digit. Please make another one...')
        continue # Restart at the top of the loop
    if (rawpin in easyPins): 
        print("The pin is too easy. Please try again!")
    # Use a try/except to validate it's all digits
    # This will error and catch if "pin" can't be converted to an int
        pin = int(rawpin)
        # pin = int(rawpin)/1000000 # dont need this, see below
        print("Pin must be digits only! Please try again...")
        continue # Restart at the top of the loop
    # Do the validation here
    confirmPin = input('PLease re-type your 8-digit PIN: \n')
    if confirmPin != rawpin:
        "The pins do not match!"
        continue # Try again
        # Dont need to do checks here, since they were done with rawpin
        confirmPin = int(confirmPin)

print('Strong PIN!')
#Checking PIN Length and Cracking PIN
# Unfortunately, this will not work, because of the way python does math. 
# The floats come out to a greater decimal than the original inputs. 
# I.e. ...
# 0.1034239999936388
# 0.1034249999936389
# 0.1034259999936389
# 0.1034269999936389
# 0.103427999993639
# 0.103428999993639
# 0.103429999993639
# 0.103430999993639
# 0.1034319999936391
### Original
# startTime = time.time()
# solvePin = 0.000002
# print("pin=", pin)
# print("confirmPin=", confirmPin)
# while(solvePin != confirmPin):
#     print(solvePin)
#     solvePin += 0.000001
# print(solvePin) # This should be outside the loop

# Instead, just compare the numeric values without the math
# Right now, it doesn't matter if the int(pin) is shorter than 8 digits
# You just need them to be the same number
solvePin = 0
startTime = time.time()
for i in range(1, 99999999): # 99999999 is the maximum value of any pin
    solvePin += 1
    if solvePin == pin:
        # leading zeros would be removed when the pin is made into an int
        # However, they will always ONLY be leading zeros that are missing
        # So just pad the string out if needed.
        strpin = str(solvePin)
        while len(strpin) < 8:
            strpin = "0" + strpin
print() # Dont need the ' '
print('Your Pin is:', strpin)

endTime = time.time()
print ('Elapsed time in seconds', ((endTime - startTime)))


Type in your 8-digit PIN, it MUST be a number: 
PLease re-type your 8-digit PIN: 
Strong PIN!

Your Pin is: 00123123

Elapsed time in seconds 0.04227638244628906