% Initialise the weights and bias
w2 = rand(2,2);
w3 = rand(2,1);
b2 = rand(2,1);
b3 = rand(1,1);
% Initialise eta and lambda
eta = 2.5;
lambda = 0.5;
% Inputs to the system
AFull = rand(1,100)>.5;
BFull = rand(1,100)>.5;
SizeA = size(AFull);
I = [AFull;BFull];
% Desired outputs
y = xor(AFull,BFull);
% Loop to run through each input and iterate the weights and biases based
% on graident decent with a quadratic cost function and L2 regularisation
for j=1:SizeA(2)
% First hidden layer activation
z21 = w2(1,1)*(I(1,j))+w2(1,2)*(I(2,j))-b2(1);
z22 = w2(2,1)*(I(1,j))+w2(2,2)*(I(2,j))-b2(2);
a21 = 1/(1+exp(-z21));
a22 = 1/(1+exp(-z22));
% Output layer activation
zL = w3(1)*a21 + w3(2)*a22 - b3;
aL = 1/(1+exp(-zL));
% Checking the output activation
deltaL = (aL-y(j))*(exp(zL)/((exp(zL)+1)^2));
delta21 = (w3(1)*deltaL)*(exp(zL)/((exp(zL)+1)^2));
delta22 = (w3(2)*deltaL)*(exp(zL)/((exp(zL)+1)^2));
% The partial derivatives
dCb3 = deltaL;
dCb2 = delta21;
dCb1 = delta22;
dCw31 = a21*deltaL;
dCw32 = a22*deltaL;
dCw211 = I(1)*delta21;
dCw212 = I(2)*delta22;
dCw221 = I(1)*delta21;
dCw222 = I(2)*delta22;
% Updating the weights and biases
w2 = (1-eta*lambda)*w2 - eta*[dCw211 dCw212;dCw221 dCw222];
w3 = (1-eta*lambda)*w3 - eta*[dCw31 dCw32];
b2 = b2 - eta*[dCb1;dCb2];
b3 = b3 - eta*dCb3 ;