
时间:2011-05-03 06:41:38

标签: macos bash applescript multiple-monitors



set monitorTwoPos to {1050, -600}
set monitorTwoSze to {1200, 1920}

tell application "Microsoft Outlook"
    set position of window 1 to monitorTwoPos
    set size of window 1 to monitorTwoSze
end tell


/Users/vcutten/AppleScripts/SpacesWork.scpt:1291:1332: execution error: 
Microsoft Outlook got an error: Can’t make position of window 1 into type specifier. (-1700)


奖金问题: 如何在打开的窗户中循环并获得它们的大小?谢谢!

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)



set monitorSize to {800, 600}
set monitorPosition to {-800, 0}

tell application "System Events"
    tell process "Terminal"
        set frontWindow to first window
        set position of frontWindow to monitorPosition
        set size of frontWindow to monitorSize
    end tell
end tell



答案 1 :(得分:1)


-- allSettings is a list of records containing {width:? height:? apps:{{name:? pos:? size:?},...} 
-- for each display setup store the apps and their associated position and size
property allSettings : {}

-- create a variable for the current settings
set currentSettings to {}

display dialog "Restore or save window settings?" buttons {"Restore", "Save"} default button "Restore"
set dialogResult to result

tell application "Finder"

    -- use the desktop bounds to determine display config
    set desktopBounds to bounds of window of desktop
    set desktopWidth to item 3 of desktopBounds
    set desktopHeight to item 4 of desktopBounds
    set desktopResolution to desktopWidth & "x" & desktopHeight

    -- find the saved settings for the display config
    repeat with i from 1 to (count of allSettings)
        if (w of item i of allSettings is desktopWidth) and (h of item i of allSettings is desktopHeight) then
            set currentSettings to item i of allSettings
        end if
    end repeat

    if (count of currentSettings) is 0 then
        -- add the current display settings to the stored settings
        set currentSettings to {w:desktopWidth, h:desktopHeight, apps:{}}
        set end of allSettings to currentSettings
        --say "creating new config for " & desktopResolution
        --say "found config for " & desktopResolution
    end if

end tell

tell application "System Events"

    if (button returned of dialogResult is "Save") then
        say "saving"
        repeat with p in every process
            if background only of p is false then
                tell application "System Events" to tell application process (name of p as string)

                    set appName to name of p

                    if (count of windows) > 0 then
                        set appSize to size of window 1
                        set appPosition to position of window 1
                        set appSize to 0
                        set appPosition to 0
                    end if

                    set appSettings to {}

                    repeat with i from 1 to (count of apps of currentSettings)
                        if name of item i of apps of currentSettings is name of p then
                            set appSettings to item i of apps of currentSettings
                        end if
                    end repeat

                    if (count of appSettings) is 0 then
                        set appSettings to {name:appName, position:appPosition, size:appSize}
                        set end of apps of currentSettings to appSettings
                        set position of appSettings to appPosition
                        set size of appSettings to appSize
                    end if

                end tell
            end if
        end repeat
    end if

    if (button returned of dialogResult is "Restore") then
        if (count of apps of currentSettings) is 0 then
            say "no window settings were found"
            say "restoring"
        repeat with i from 1 to (count of apps of currentSettings)
            set appSettings to item i of apps of currentSettings
            set appName to (name of appSettings as string)
                tell application "System Events" to tell application process appName
                    if (count of windows) > 0 then
                        set position of window 1 to position of appSettings
                        set size of window 1 to size of appSettings
                    end if
                end tell
            end try
        end repeat
        end if
    end if
end tell


答案 2 :(得分:0)


tell application "Microsoft Outlook"
    get bounds of first window
end tell


tell application "Microsoft Outlook"
    repeat with nextWindow in (get every window)
        get bounds of nextWindow
    end repeat
end tell

