
时间:2011-05-02 21:11:09

标签: c# linq

我尝试过使用linq使用Left outer join。每当我更改报告参数时,它都会给我相同的结果。

var _result = (from ls in SessionHandler.CurrentContext.LennoxSurveyResponses
                            from ml 
                            in SessionHandler.CurrentContext.MailingListEntries
                                .Where(mle => mle.SurveyCode == ls.SurveyCode).DefaultIfEmpty()
                            from lists
                            in SessionHandler.CurrentContext.MailingLists
                                .Where(m => m.MailingListId == ml.MailingListId).DefaultIfEmpty()
                            from channel
                            in SessionHandler.CurrentContext.Channels
                                .Where(ch => ch.ChannelId == lists.ChannelId).DefaultIfEmpty()
                            from tmChannelGroup
                            in SessionHandler.CurrentContext.ChannelGroups
                                .Where(tcg => tcg.ChannelGroupId == channel.ChannelGroupId).DefaultIfEmpty()
                            from dmChannelGroup
                            in SessionHandler.CurrentContext.ChannelGroups
                                .Where(dcg => dcg.ChannelGroupId == tmChannelGroup.ParentChannelGroupId).DefaultIfEmpty()
                            from amChannelGroup
                            in SessionHandler.CurrentContext.ChannelGroups
                                .Where(acg => acg.ChannelGroupId == dmChannelGroup.ParentChannelGroupId).DefaultIfEmpty()
                            where (model.ChannelId != 0 && channel.ChannelId == model.ChannelId ||
                                model.TMId != 0 && channel.ChannelGroupId == model.TMId ||
                                model.DistrictId != 0 && dmChannelGroup.ChannelGroupId == model.DistrictId ||
                                model.AreaId != 0 && amChannelGroup.ChannelGroupId == model.AreaId ||
                                model.AreaId == 0 && amChannelGroup.ChannelGroupId == model.LoggedChannelGroupId ||
                                model.DistrictId == 0 && dmChannelGroup.ChannelGroupId == model.LoggedChannelGroupId ||
                                model.TMId == 0 && tmChannelGroup.ChannelGroupId == model.LoggedChannelGroupId ||
                                model.ChannelId == 0 && tmChannelGroup.ChannelGroupId == model.LoggedChannelGroupId)
                            && (ml.EmailDate != null || ml.LetterDate != null || ml.EmailBounce == null)
                            select ls).ToList();


if (model.ChannelId != 0)
    var _result =
        (from ls in SessionHandler.CurrentContext.LennoxSurveyResponses
         join ml in SessionHandler.CurrentContext.MailingListEntries on ls.SurveyCode equals ml.SurveyCode
         join m in SessionHandler.CurrentContext.MailingLists on ml.MailingListId equals m.MailingListId
         join ch in SessionHandler.CurrentContext.Channels on m.ChannelId equals ch.ChannelId
         where ch.ChannelId == model.ChannelId
         && ml.EmailBounce == null || ml.EmailBounce.Equals(false)
         select ls).ToList();
    var _SentSurveys =
        (from ml in SessionHandler.CurrentContext.MailingListEntries 
         join m in SessionHandler.CurrentContext.MailingLists on ml.MailingListId equals m.MailingListId
         join ch in SessionHandler.CurrentContext.Channels on m.ChannelId equals ch.ChannelId
         where ch.ChannelId == model.ChannelId
         && (ml.EmailDate != null || ml.LetterDate != null || ml.EmailBounce == null)
         select ml).ToList();
    model.SentSurveys = _SentSurveys.Count() > 0 ? _SentSurveys.Count() : 0;
    model.CompletedSurveys = _result.Count() > 0 ? _result.Count() : 0;
    model.PercentageComplete = model.SentSurveys != 0 ? model.CompletedSurveys / model.SentSurveys : 0;
    //model.Referring = _result.Average(m => Convert.ToInt32(m.Question1Answer));
    model.Referring = Math.Round(_result.Select(m => string.IsNullOrEmpty(m.Question1Answer) ? 0 : Double.Parse(m.Question1Answer)).Average());
    model.ServicePerformance = Math.Round(_result.Select(m => string.IsNullOrEmpty(m.Question2Answer) ? 0 : Double.Parse(m.Question2Answer)).Average());
    model.InstallPerformance = Math.Round(_result.Select(m => string.IsNullOrEmpty(m.Question3Answer) ? 0 : Double.Parse(m.Question3Answer)).Average());
    model.ReferringLennox = Math.Round(_result.Select(m => string.IsNullOrEmpty(m.Question4Answer) ? 0 : Double.Parse(m.Question4Answer)).Average());
else if (model.TMId != 0)
    var _result =
        (from ls in SessionHandler.CurrentContext.LennoxSurveyResponses
         join ml in SessionHandler.CurrentContext.MailingListEntries on ls.SurveyCode equals ml.SurveyCode
         join m in SessionHandler.CurrentContext.MailingLists on ml.MailingListId equals m.MailingListId
         join ch in SessionHandler.CurrentContext.Channels on m.ChannelId equals ch.ChannelId
         where ch.ChannelGroupId == model.TMId
         select ls).ToList();
    var _SentSurveys =
        (from ml in SessionHandler.CurrentContext.MailingListEntries
         join m in SessionHandler.CurrentContext.MailingLists on ml.MailingListId equals m.MailingListId
         join ch in SessionHandler.CurrentContext.Channels on m.ChannelId equals ch.ChannelId
         where ch.ChannelGroupId == model.TMId
         && (ml.EmailDate != null || ml.LetterDate != null || ml.EmailBounce == null)
         select ml).ToList();
    model.SentSurveys = _SentSurveys.Count() > 0 ? _SentSurveys.Count() : 0;
    model.CompletedSurveys = _result.Count() > 0 ? _result.Count() : 0;
    model.PercentageComplete = model.SentSurveys != 0 ? model.CompletedSurveys / model.SentSurveys : 0;

    model.Referring = _result.Select(m => string.IsNullOrEmpty(m.Question1Answer) ? 0 : Double.Parse(m.Question1Answer)).Average();
    model.ServicePerformance = _result.Select(m => string.IsNullOrEmpty(m.Question2Answer) ? 0 : Double.Parse(m.Question2Answer)).Average();
    model.InstallPerformance = _result.Select(m => string.IsNullOrEmpty(m.Question3Answer) ? 0 : Double.Parse(m.Question3Answer)).Average();
    model.ReferringLennox = _result.Select(m => string.IsNullOrEmpty(m.Question4Answer) ? 0 : Double.Parse(m.Question4Answer)).Average();

并且还有5个额外的模型参数,并且对于每个参数,都会创建一个新的var _result和_SentSurveys。我只想简化此代码。

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


// need to set up the compiled queries first
static readonly Func<MyDataContextType,
                     Func<MyDataContextType, MailingListEntry, MailingList, Channel, MyModelType, bool>,
    GetResult = CompiledQuery.Compile(
        (MyDataContextType ctx, MyModelType mod,
         Func<MyDataContextType, MailingListEntry, MailingList, Channel, MyModelType, bool> pred) =>
            from lsr in ctx.LennoxSurveyResponses
            join mle in ctx.MailingListEntries on lsr.SurveyCode equals mle.SurveyCode
            join ml  in ctx.MailingLists on mle.MailingListId equals ml.MailingListId
            join ch  in ctx.Channels on ml.ChannelId equals ch.ChannelId
            where pred(ctx, mod, mle, ml, ch)
            select lsr);

static readonly Func<MyDataContextType, MyModelType, IQueryable<MailingListEntry>>
    GetSentSurveys = CompiledQuery.Compile(
        (MyDataContextType ctx, MyModelType mod) =>
            from mle in ctx.MailingListEntries
            join ml  in ctx.MailingLists on mle.MailingListId equals ml.MailingListId
            join ch  in ctx.Channels on ml.ChannelId equals ch.ChannelId
            where ch.ChannelId == mod.ChannelId
               && (mle.EmailDate != null || mle.LetterDate != null || mle.EmailBounce == null)
            select mle);

static readonly Func<MyDataContextType, MyModelType, MailingListEntry, MailingList, Channel, bool>
    ChannelPredicate = CompiledQuery.Compile(
        (MyDataContextType ctx, MyModelType mod,
         MailingListEntry mle, MailingList ml, Channel ch) =>
            ch.ChannelId == mod.ChannelId && ml.EmailBounce == null || !ml.EmailBounce.Value);

static readonly Func<MyDataContextType, MyModelType, MailingListEntry, MailingList, Channel, bool>
    TMPredicate = CompiledQuery.Compile(
        (MyDataContextType ctx, MyModelType mod,
         MailingListEntry mle, MailingList ml, Channel ch) =>
            ch.ChannelGroupId == mod.TMId);

static void UpdateModel(MyModelType model)
    if (model.ChannelId == 0 && model.TMId == 0) return;

    var currentContext = SessionHandler.CurrentContext;
    var predicate = (model.ChannelId != 0) ? ChannelPredicate : TMPredicate;
    var results = GetResults(currentContext, model, predicate).ToList();
    var sentSurveys = GetSentSurveys(currentContext, model).ToList();

    model.SentSurveys = sentSurveys.Count();
    model.CompletedSurveys = results.Count();
    model.PercentageComplete = model.SentSurveys != 0 ? model.CompletedSurveys / model.SentSurveys : 0;

    model.Referring = _result.Average(m => string.IsNullOrEmpty(m.Question1Answer) ? 0 : Double.Parse(m.Question1Answer));
    model.ServicePerformance = _result.Average(m => string.IsNullOrEmpty(m.Question2Answer) ? 0 : Double.Parse(m.Question2Answer));
    model.InstallPerformance = _result.Average(m => string.IsNullOrEmpty(m.Question3Answer) ? 0 : Double.Parse(m.Question3Answer));
    model.ReferringLennox = _result.Average(m => string.IsNullOrEmpty(m.Question4Answer) ? 0 : Double.Parse(m.Question4Answer));

    if (model.ChannelId != 0)
        // should be rounded
        model.Referring = Math.Round(model.Referring);
        model.ServicePerformance = Math.Round(model.ServicePerformance);
        model.InstallPerformance = Math.Round(model.InstallPerformance);
        model.ReferringLennox = Math.Round(model.ReferringLennox);