我想要服务人员的fetch事件监听器,尝试从网络中获取主页(当request.mode =='navigate'时),如果失败则返回一个缓存版本。
由于某些原因,即使我断开了wifi的连接或以“飞机模式”运行,提取操作始终返回StatusCode 200 OK 。但是,如果我打开Chrome的DevTools的“网络>离线”模式,确实可以正常工作
我尝试使用“ navigator.onLine”功能检测离线模式,但不可靠。
也试图清除缓存,但是什么也没有。仍然返回原始的“在线” html文档。
self.addEventListener('fetch', function (event) {
if (event.request.mode === 'navigate') {
function homeNetworkThenCache(request){
return fetch(request)
.then(e => e)
.catch(() => caches.match(offlineHomepageUrl));
如果没有互联网连接,我希望获取的内容会进入“ catch”块,但始终会进入“ .then(e => e)” ...
答案 0 :(得分:0)
如果您正在寻找一个示例服务工作者,其 just 实现了脱机后备页面,则可以use this one,它还会执行启用导航预加载的功能(如果支持):
const CACHE_NAME = 'offline';
// Customize this with a different URL if needed.
const OFFLINE_URL = 'offline.html';
self.addEventListener('install', (event) => {
event.waitUntil((async () => {
const cache = await caches.open(CACHE_NAME);
// Setting {cache: 'reload'} in the new request will ensure that the response
// isn't fulfilled from the HTTP cache; i.e., it will be from the network.
await cache.add(new Request(OFFLINE_URL, {cache: 'reload'}));
self.addEventListener('activate', (event) => {
event.waitUntil((async () => {
// Enable navigation preload if it's supported.
// See https://developers.google.com/web/updates/2017/02/navigation-preload
if ('navigationPreload' in self.registration) {
await self.registration.navigationPreload.enable();
// Tell the active service worker to take control of the page immediately.
self.addEventListener('fetch', (event) => {
// We only want to call event.respondWith() if this is a navigation request
// for an HTML page.
if (event.request.mode === 'navigate') {
event.respondWith((async () => {
try {
// First, try to use the navigation preload response if it's supported.
const preloadResponse = await event.preloadResponse;
if (preloadResponse) {
return preloadResponse;
const networkResponse = await fetch(event.request);
return networkResponse;
} catch (error) {
// catch is only triggered if an exception is thrown, which is likely
// due to a network error.
// If fetch() returns a valid HTTP response with a response code in
// the 4xx or 5xx range, the catch() will NOT be called.
console.log('Fetch failed; returning offline page instead.', error);
const cache = await caches.open(CACHE_NAME);
const cachedResponse = await cache.match(OFFLINE_URL);
return cachedResponse;
// If our if() condition is false, then this fetch handler won't intercept the
// request. If there are any other fetch handlers registered, they will get a
// chance to call event.respondWith(). If no fetch handlers call
// event.respondWith(), the request will be handled by the browser as if there
// were no service worker involvement.