using (var tigerContext = new TigerContext())
var stockRemaningList = from stocks in tigerContext.Stock
join item in tigerContext.ItemsSum
on stocks.LOGICALREF equals item.STOCKREF into temp
from x in temp.DefaultIfEmpty()
group x by new { stocks}
into s
select new StocksRemaning
StockCode = s.Key.stocks.CODE,
StockRef = s.Key.stocks.LOGICALREF,
StockName = s.Key.stocks.NAME,
ActualStock = s.Sum(i=>i.ONHAND)
return stockRemaningList.ToList();
The LINQ expression 'GroupBy<TransparentIdentifier<Stock, ItemsSum>, <>f__AnonymousType10<Stock>, ItemsSum>( source: LeftJoin<Stock, ItemsSum, int, TransparentIdentifier<Stock, ItemsSum>>( outer: DbSet<Stock>, inner: DbSet<ItemsSum>, outerKeySelector: (s) => s.LOGICALREF, innerKeySelector: (ı) => ı.STOCKREF, resultSelector: (s, ı) => new TransparentIdentifier<Stock, ItemsSum>( Outer = s, Inner = ı )), keySelector: (ti) => new { stocks = ti.Outer }, elementSelector: (ti) => ti.Inner)' could not be translated. Either rewrite the query in a form that can be translated, or switch to client evaluation explicitly by inserting a call to either AsEnumerable(), AsAsyncEnumerable(), ToList(), or ToListAsync(). See for more information.
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您应该在group by
作为建议,我建议您习惯使用更有意义的名称,例如from leftJoined in tempJoin.DefaultIfEmpty()
。这样,将来其他编码人员或您自己都无需问“ X和S到底是什么?”
using (var tigerContext = new TigerContext())
var stockRemaningList =
from stocks in tigerContext.Stock
join item in tigerContext.ItemsSum on stocks.LOGICALREF equals item.STOCKREF into tempJoin
from leftJoined in tempJoin.DefaultIfEmpty()
group leftJoined by stocks into grouped
select new StocksRemaning
StockCode = grouped.Key.CODE,
StockRef = grouped.Key.LOGICALREF,
StockName = grouped.Key.NAME,
ActualStock = grouped.Sum(i=>i.ONHAND)
return stockRemaningList.ToList();