
时间:2019-10-28 06:37:16

标签: c binaryfiles file-handling


我已经尝试使用不同的方式打开文件。 由于技术限制,我正在使用Turbo C3编译器。

void Register () {
  FILE *User_File;
  User_File = fopen ("C://TURBOC3//SOURCE//USERDATA.DAT", "wb");
  active_user = _register_user();  //active user is of type struct _acc
  fwrite (&active_user, sizeof (struct _acc), 1, User_File);
  fclose (User_File);

预期要写入文件的数据 即使多次尝试,文件仍为空


struct _acc {
  char      *h_name;
  char       sex;
  struct date dob;
  char      *address;
  long int  mobile;
  int           pin;
  long int  accno; 
  double        account_bal;
  struct date acc_open_date;
  char       *username;
  char       *password;
  int           security_Q;  //used in case of forgot password
  char       *security_A;  //used in case of forgot password
  int       block_status;
typedef struct _acc acc;


acc _register_user ();
// This function returns a variable of type acc

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