builtins.TypeError: 'str' object does not support item assignment
# Hangman Game
import random
# A list of possible words for the game
dictionary = ["Apple", "Orange", "Car", "Python", "Programming", "Bicycle", "Scooter"]
game_end = False
word = dictionary[random.randint(0, 7)]
unknown_word = "-" * len(word)
damage = 0
# Main game loop
while not game_end:
# Asks player to guess a letter
print("Your word is:\n" + unknown_word)
guess = input("Enter a letter here:")
# Checks if the letter guessed is in the word
count = 0
for letter in word:
if guess == letter:
word[count] = letter # Error is here
count += 1
damage += 1
# Checks if the damage variable (from incorrect guesses) exceeds a certain number which ends the game
if damage >= len(unknown_word * len(unknown_word)) + 5:
print("You lose!")
game_end = True
# Checks if the player has guessed all the letter/the whole word
elif unknown_word == word:
print("You win.")
print("Your word is:\n" + unknown_word)
game_end = True