读取xls并上传表实体(apache poi)

时间:2019-10-26 18:02:30

标签: java apache-poi mapping entity


public class Drug implements Serializable {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

    @SequenceGenerator(name="DRUG_IDDRUG_GENERATOR", sequenceName="SEQ_DRUG", allocationSize = 1)
    @GeneratedValue(strategy=GenerationType.SEQUENCE, generator="DRUG_IDDRUG_GENERATOR")
    @Column(name="ID_DRUG", unique=true, nullable=false, precision=14)
    private long idDrug;

    @Column(name="ORIGINAL_CODE", length=100)
    private String originalCode;

    @Column(name="NM_USER", length=30)
    private String nmUser;

    @Column(name="NM_USER_LAST_MODIFY", length=30)
    private String nmUserLastModify;

    private Timestamp tsInsert;

    private Timestamp tsLastModify;

    //bi-directional many-to-one association to StateDrug
    @JoinColumn(name="ID_STATE_DRUG", nullable=false)
    private StateDrug stateDrug;

    //bi-directional many-to-one association to StateDrug
    @JoinColumn(name="ID_NUM", nullable=false)
    private StateDrug codeNum;

    //bi-directional many-to-one association to StateDrug
    @JoinColumn(name="ID_Drug_Shape", nullable=false)
    private DrugState drugShape;

    //bi-directional many-to-one association to DrugState
    @JoinColumn(name="ID_MISURE", nullable=false)
    private DrugState misure;

    //bi-directional many-to-one association to DrugState
    @JoinColumn(name="ID_UNITY", nullable=false)
    private DrugState unity;

    //bi-directional many-to-one association to DrugState
    @JoinColumn(name="ID_ACTIVE_PRINCIPLE", nullable=false)
    private DrugState activePrinciple;

    public Drug() {

    public long getIdDrug() {
        return this.idDrug;

    public void setIdDrug(long idDrug) {
        this.idDrug = idDrug;

    public String getOriginalCode() {
        return this.originalCode;

    public void setOriginalCode(String OriginalCode) {
        this.originalCode = originalCode;

    public String getNmuser() {
        return this.nmUser;

    public void setNmUser(String nmUser) {
        this.nmUser = nmUser;

    public String getNmUserLastModify() {
        return this.nmUserLastModify;

    public void setNmUserLastModify(String nmUserLastModify) {
        this.nmUserLastModify = nmUserLastModify;

    public Timestamp getTsInsert() {
        return this.tsInsert;

    public void setTsInsert(Timestamp tsInsert) {
        this.tsInsert = tsInsert;

    public Timestamp getTsLastModify() {
        return this.tsLastModify;

    public void setTsLastModify(Timestamp tsLastModify) {
        this.tsLastModify = tsLastModify;

    public DrugState getDrugState() {
        return this.drugState;

    public void setDrugState(DrugState drugState) {
        this.drugState = drugState;

    public DrugState getcodeNum() {
        return this.codeNum;

    public void setcodeNum(DrugState codeNum) {
        this.codeNum = codeNum;

    public DrugState getDrugShape() {
        return this.drugShape;

    public void setDrugShape(DrugState drugShape) {
        this.drugShape = drugShape;

    public DrugState getMisure() {
        return this.misure;

    public void setDosaggio(DrugState misure) {
        this.misure = misure;

    public DrugState getUnity() {
        return this.unity;

    public void setUnity(DrugState unity) {
        this.unity = unity;

    public DrugState getActivePrinciple() {
        return this.activePrinciple;

    public void setActivePrinciple(DrugState activePrinciple) {
        this.activePrinciple = activePrinciple;



现在,我想创建一个方法: -存储用户在我的服务器上加载的xls文件(包含药品列表); -检查上载的文件xls的列数,如果发现的行多于Drug表中的行数,请通过在表中添加Drug实体来映射xls文件。

我的问题有两个: -有些Drug字段具有ManyToOne表示法,因此设置该字段并不容易; Apache Cell类只能返回Double(getNumericCellValue())或String(getStringCellValue())。


    public void importXls (@RequestParam("pathFile") String pathFile) throws IOException {
        try ( FileInputStream file = new FileInputStream(new File("pathFile/UserFile.xls"));){
            HSSFWorkbook workbook = new HSSFWorkbook(file);

            HSSFSheet sheet = workbook.getSheetAt(0); 

            List<Drug> list = drugService.getAll();

            int totalDrugs = list.size();   
            int lastRow = sheet.getLastRowNum();

            int newDrugs = lastRow-totalDrugs;
            Drug entityToSave = new Drug();
            if (newDrugs>0) {
                Row row = sheet.getRow(totalDrugs++);
                Iterator<Cell> iterCell =row.cellIterator();
                while (iterCell.hasNext()) {
                    Cell cell = iterCell.next();
                    if (cell.getColumnIndex()==0) {
                 /* here problems start     
                    if (cell.getColumnIndex()==1) {
                    if (cell.getColumnIndex()==2) {

                    if (cell.getColumnIndex()==3) {
                    if (cell.getColumnIndex()==4) {

                    if (cell.getColumnIndex()==5) {
           FileOutputStream newFile = new FileOutputStream(new File("PATH_DB/Drugs.xls")); 
        } catch(Exception e) {
            new IOException (e.getMessage(), e);


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