使用IronPython和Visual Studio 2010进行GUI开发

时间:2011-05-02 05:44:07

标签: python visual-studio-2010 user-interface ironpython

我正在使用Python教授编程和GUI开发的入门课程,并且发现对于刚接触编程的学生而言,压缩性最小的解决方案是使用Visual Studio进行GUI开发。

虽然使用C#和VB的GUI开发经验令人愉快,但我找不到与IronPython相同的方法。我安装了包含Visual Studio工具的IronPython 2.7.1,并创建了一个WPF IronPython项目。


import wpf

from System.Windows import Application, Window

class MyWindow(Window):
    def __init__(self):
        wpf.LoadComponent(self, 'WpfApplication3.xaml')

    def Button_Click(self, sender, e):
        #This is the only way I could find in which I can 
        #access an element and modify its properties
        self.Content.Children[1].Text += 'Hello World\n'

if __name__ == '__main__':

我注意到GUI元素没有得到名称,每当我尝试手动修改XAML以命名元素时,Visual Studio就会崩溃。以下是带有按钮和文本区域的简单框架的生成XAML:

    Title="WpfApplication3" Height="300" Width="300"> 
        <Button Content="Button" Height="23" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="103,226,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="75" Click="Button_Click" />
        <TextBox Height="182" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="24,21,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="237" />

任何帮助学生更轻松的帮助将不胜感激。我也对Python GUI开发的其他建议持开放态度,这些建议提供类似于Visual Studio的体验。

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:6)

在IronPython 2.7中,wpf.LoadComponent方法将连接任何与XAML UI元素同名的属性。如果您使用的是IronPython 2.6,那么您需要使用WombatPM建议的代码。因此,如果使用以下XAML,则使用IronPython 2.7:

       Title="IronPyWpf" Height="300" Width="300">
        <Button x:Name="button" Content="Button" Height="23" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="103,226,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="75"  />
        <TextBox x:Name="textbox" Height="182" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="24,21,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="237" />


class MyWindow(Window):
    def __init__(self):
        wpf.LoadComponent(self, 'IronPyWpf.xaml')
        self._button.Content = 'My Button'
        self._textbox.Text = 'My Text'

    def get_button(self):
        return self._button

    def set_button(self, value):
        self._button = value

    button = property(get_button, set_button)

    def get_textbox(self):
        return self._textbox

    def set_textbox(self, value):
        self._textbox = value

    textbox = property(get_textbox, set_textbox)


class MyWindow(Window):
    def __init__(self):
        wpf.LoadComponent(self, 'IronPyWpf.xaml')
        self.button.Content = 'My Button'
        self.textbox.Text = 'My Text'

不幸的是,当您尝试编辑XAML并为UI元素命名时,Visual Studio似乎崩溃,如您所见,带有空引用异常。

答案 1 :(得分:0)


# Waddle returns a dictionary of Control types e.g. listbox, Button.
# Each Entry is a dictionary of Control Instance Names i.e.
# controls['Button']['NewSite'] returns the button control named NewSite
# Controls should have Unique names and only those with a Name attrib set
# will be included.
def Waddle(c, d):
    s = str(c.__class__)
    if "System.Windows.Controls." in str(c) and hasattr(c,"Name") and c.Name.Length>0:
        ControlType = s[s.find("'")+1:s.rfind("'")]
        if ControlType not in d:
            d[ControlType] = {}
        d[ControlType][c.Name] = c
    if hasattr(c,"Children"):
        for cc in c.Children:
            Waddle(cc, d)
    elif hasattr(c,"Child"):
        Waddle(c.Child, d)
    elif hasattr(c,"Content"):
        Waddle(c.Content, d)
if __name__ == "__main__":
    xr = XmlReader.Create(StringReader(xaml))
    win = XamlReader.Load(xr)

    controls = {}
    Waddle(win, controls)

    #Make all Named buttons do something!
    for butt in controls['Button']:
        controls['Button'][butt].Click += sayhello

    #Make one button do something.
    controls['Button']['NewSite'].Click += sayhello2
