from numpy.random import random
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
class Point(object):
def __init__(self, x, y):
self.x = x
self.y = y
def plot(self, ax):
# update data in the ax if this object data exists in the plot or create it if it doesn't exist yet.
# Create object to exemplify
p = [Point(random(), random()) for pi in range(10000)]
# Create figure and axes
ax, fig = subplot(111)
# update ax with all new points
[pi.plot(ax) for pi in p]
# change one point
p[5].x = 10
p[5].y = 3
# update the changed point in the ax
如代码所示,我想在对象外部创建图形,但使用对象更新图形。 由于我可能有很多对象,因此我不需要遍历所有数据或在每次需要时都绘制所有内容。有可能吗?