我正在尝试使用charts_flutter: ^0.8.1
barRendererDecorator: charts.BarLabelDecorator<String>(
labelAnchor: charts.BarLabelAnchor.middle,
labelPosition: charts.BarLabelPosition.inside, ),
domainAxis: new charts.OrdinalAxisSpec(viewport: new charts.OrdinalViewport('month', 5),),
animate: false,
rtlSpec: charts.RTLSpec(axisDirection: charts.AxisDirection.reversed),
defaultInteractions: false,
behaviors: [
new charts.SlidingViewport(),
new charts.PanAndZoomBehavior(),
答案 0 :(得分:1)
要实现此目的,您需要创建一个新类,其中需要覆盖一个内部类-'BarRendererDecorator'。在该类中,有一个方法_decorateVerticalBars将该值写入条形图内。有一个方法调用-canvas.drawText(),需要使用一个新的自变量轮换输入-math.pi / 2。同样,要使文本在条中居中,还需要像这样更改X偏移量-labelX = labelX +(labelElement.measurement.horizontalSliceWidth / 2.5).round(); 然后在图形的装饰器调用中,使用您创建的新类。这是新类的完整代码。如果适合您,请接受它作为答案。
import 'dart:math' as math;
import 'package:meta/meta.dart' show required;
import "package:charts_common/common.dart"
import "package:charts_common/src/data/series.dart" show AccessorFn;
import "chart_canvas_wrkaround.dart";
import "package:charts_flutter/src/chart_canvas.dart" as Canvasee;
import "package:charts_common/common.dart" as comm;
/* import '../../common/color.dart' show Color;
import '../../common/graphics_factory.dart' show GraphicsFactory;
import '../../common/text_element.dart' show TextDirection, TextElement;
import '../../common/text_style.dart' show TextStyle;
import '../../data/series.dart' show AccessorFn;
import '../cartesian/axis/spec/axis_spec.dart' show TextStyleSpec;
import '../common/chart_canvas.dart' show ChartCanvas;
import 'bar_renderer.dart' show ImmutableBarRendererElement;
import 'bar_renderer_decorator.dart' show BarRendererDecorator; */
class BarLabelDecoratorWorkAround<D> extends BarRendererDecorator<D> {
// Default configuration
static const _defaultLabelPosition = BarLabelPosition.auto;
static const _defaultLabelPadding = 5;
static const _defaultHorizontalLabelAnchor = BarLabelAnchor.start;
static const _defaultVerticalLabelAnchor = BarLabelAnchor.end;
static final _defaultInsideLabelStyle =
new TextStyleSpec(fontSize: 12, color: Color.white);
static final _defaultOutsideLabelStyle =
new TextStyleSpec(fontSize: 12, color: Color.black);
static final _labelSplitPattern = '\n';
static final _defaultMultiLineLabelPadding = 2;
/// Configures [TextStyleSpec] for labels placed inside the bars.
final TextStyleSpec insideLabelStyleSpec;
/// Configures [TextStyleSpec] for labels placed outside the bars.
final TextStyleSpec outsideLabelStyleSpec;
/// Configures where to place the label relative to the bars.
final BarLabelPosition labelPosition;
/// For labels drawn inside the bar, configures label anchor position.
final BarLabelAnchor labelAnchor;
/// Space before and after the label text.
final int labelPadding;
{TextStyleSpec insideLabelStyleSpec,
TextStyleSpec outsideLabelStyleSpec,
this.labelAnchor = null,
this.labelPosition = _defaultLabelPosition,
this.labelPadding = _defaultLabelPadding})
: insideLabelStyleSpec = insideLabelStyleSpec ?? _defaultInsideLabelStyle,
outsideLabelStyleSpec =
outsideLabelStyleSpec ?? _defaultOutsideLabelStyle;
void decorate(Iterable<ImmutableBarRendererElement<D>> barElements,
comm.ChartCanvas canvas, GraphicsFactory graphicsFactory,
{@required math.Rectangle drawBounds,
@required double animationPercent,
@required bool renderingVertically,
bool rtl = false}) {
// Only decorate the bars when animation is at 100%.
if (animationPercent != 1.0) {
/* final newCanvas = canvas as Canvasee.ChartCanvas;
final canvee =
ChartCanvasWorkAround(newCanvas.canvas, newCanvas.graphicsFactory); */
if (renderingVertically) {
barElements, canvas, graphicsFactory, drawBounds, rtl);
} else {
barElements, canvas, graphicsFactory, drawBounds, rtl);
void _decorateVerticalBars(
Iterable<ImmutableBarRendererElement<D>> barElements,
ChartCanvas canvas,
GraphicsFactory graphicsFactory,
math.Rectangle drawBounds,
bool rtl) {
// Create [TextStyle] from [TextStyleSpec] to be used by all the elements.
// The [GraphicsFactory] is needed so it can't be created earlier.
final insideLabelStyle =
_getTextStyle(graphicsFactory, insideLabelStyleSpec);
final outsideLabelStyle =
_getTextStyle(graphicsFactory, outsideLabelStyleSpec);
for (var element in barElements) {
final labelFn = element.series.labelAccessorFn;
final datumIndex = element.index;
final label = (labelFn != null) ? labelFn(datumIndex) : null;
// If there are custom styles, use that instead of the default or the
// style defined for the entire decorator.
final datumInsideLabelStyle = _getDatumStyle(
defaultStyle: insideLabelStyle);
final datumOutsideLabelStyle = _getDatumStyle(
defaultStyle: outsideLabelStyle);
// Skip calculation and drawing for this element if no label.
if (label == null || label.isEmpty) {
var labelElements = label
.map((labelPart) => graphicsFactory.createTextElement(labelPart));
final bounds = element.bounds;
// Get space available inside and outside the bar.
final totalPadding = labelPadding * 2;
final insideBarHeight = bounds.height - totalPadding;
final outsideBarHeight = drawBounds.height - bounds.height - totalPadding;
var calculatedLabelPosition = labelPosition;
if (calculatedLabelPosition == BarLabelPosition.auto) {
// For auto, first try to fit the text inside the bar.
labelElements = labelElements.map(
(labelElement) => labelElement..textStyle = datumInsideLabelStyle);
final labelMaxWidth = labelElements
(labelElement) => labelElement.measurement.horizontalSliceWidth)
.fold(0, (max, current) => max > current ? max : current);
// Total label height depends on the label element's text style.
final totalLabelHeight = _getTotalLabelHeight(labelElements);
// A label fits if the length and width of the text fits.
calculatedLabelPosition =
totalLabelHeight < insideBarHeight && labelMaxWidth < bounds.width
? BarLabelPosition.inside
: BarLabelPosition.outside;
// Set the max width, text style, and text direction.
labelElements = labelElements.map((labelElement) => labelElement
..textStyle = calculatedLabelPosition == BarLabelPosition.inside
? datumInsideLabelStyle
: datumOutsideLabelStyle
..maxWidth = bounds.height * 100
..textDirection = rtl ? TextDirection.rtl : TextDirection.ltr);
// Total label height depends on the label element's text style.
final totalLabelHeight = _getTotalLabelHeight(labelElements);
var labelsDrawn = 0;
for (var labelElement in labelElements) {
// Calculate the start position of label based on [labelAnchor].
int labelY;
final labelHeight = labelElement.measurement.verticalSliceWidth.round();
final offsetHeight =
(labelHeight + _defaultMultiLineLabelPadding) * labelsDrawn;
if (calculatedLabelPosition == BarLabelPosition.inside) {
final _labelAnchor = labelAnchor ?? _defaultVerticalLabelAnchor;
switch (_labelAnchor) {
case BarLabelAnchor.end:
labelY = bounds.top + labelPadding + offsetHeight;
case BarLabelAnchor.middle:
labelY = (bounds.bottom -
bounds.height / 2 -
totalLabelHeight / 2 +
case BarLabelAnchor.start:
labelY = bounds.bottom -
labelPadding -
totalLabelHeight +
} else {
// calculatedLabelPosition == LabelPosition.outside
labelY = bounds.top - labelPadding - totalLabelHeight + offsetHeight;
// Center the label inside the bar.
int labelX = (bounds.left +
bounds.width / 2 -
labelElement.measurement.horizontalSliceWidth / 2)
labelX = labelX +
(labelElement.measurement.horizontalSliceWidth / 2.5).round();
canvas.drawText(labelElement, labelX, labelY, rotation: -math.pi / 2);
labelsDrawn += 1;
void _decorateHorizontalBars(
Iterable<ImmutableBarRendererElement<D>> barElements,
ChartCanvas canvas,
GraphicsFactory graphicsFactory,
math.Rectangle drawBounds,
bool rtl) {
// Create [TextStyle] from [TextStyleSpec] to be used by all the elements.
// The [GraphicsFactory] is needed so it can't be created earlier.
final insideLabelStyle =
_getTextStyle(graphicsFactory, insideLabelStyleSpec);
final outsideLabelStyle =
_getTextStyle(graphicsFactory, outsideLabelStyleSpec);
for (var element in barElements) {
final labelFn = element.series.labelAccessorFn;
final datumIndex = element.index;
final label = (labelFn != null) ? labelFn(datumIndex) : null;
// If there are custom styles, use that instead of the default or the
// style defined for the entire decorator.
final datumInsideLabelStyle = _getDatumStyle(
defaultStyle: insideLabelStyle);
final datumOutsideLabelStyle = _getDatumStyle(
defaultStyle: outsideLabelStyle);
// Skip calculation and drawing for this element if no label.
if (label == null || label.isEmpty) {
final bounds = element.bounds;
// Get space available inside and outside the bar.
final totalPadding = labelPadding * 2;
final insideBarWidth = bounds.width - totalPadding;
final outsideBarWidth = drawBounds.width - bounds.width - totalPadding;
final labelElement = graphicsFactory.createTextElement(label);
var calculatedLabelPosition = labelPosition;
if (calculatedLabelPosition == BarLabelPosition.auto) {
// For auto, first try to fit the text inside the bar.
labelElement.textStyle = datumInsideLabelStyle;
// A label fits if the space inside the bar is >= outside bar or if the
// length of the text fits and the space. This is because if the bar has
// more space than the outside, it makes more sense to place the label
// inside the bar, even if the entire label does not fit.
calculatedLabelPosition = (insideBarWidth >= outsideBarWidth ||
labelElement.measurement.horizontalSliceWidth < insideBarWidth)
? BarLabelPosition.inside
: BarLabelPosition.outside;
// Set the max width and text style.
if (calculatedLabelPosition == BarLabelPosition.inside) {
labelElement.textStyle = datumInsideLabelStyle;
labelElement.maxWidth = insideBarWidth;
} else {
// calculatedLabelPosition == LabelPosition.outside
labelElement.textStyle = datumOutsideLabelStyle;
labelElement.maxWidth = outsideBarWidth;
// Only calculate and draw label if there's actually space for the label.
if (labelElement.maxWidth > 0) {
// Calculate the start position of label based on [labelAnchor].
int labelX;
if (calculatedLabelPosition == BarLabelPosition.inside) {
final _labelAnchor = labelAnchor ?? _defaultHorizontalLabelAnchor;
switch (_labelAnchor) {
case BarLabelAnchor.middle:
labelX = (bounds.left +
bounds.width / 2 -
labelElement.measurement.horizontalSliceWidth / 2)
labelElement.textDirection =
rtl ? TextDirection.rtl : TextDirection.ltr;
case BarLabelAnchor.end:
case BarLabelAnchor.start:
final alignLeft = rtl
? (_labelAnchor == BarLabelAnchor.end)
: (_labelAnchor == BarLabelAnchor.start);
if (alignLeft) {
labelX = bounds.left + labelPadding;
labelElement.textDirection = TextDirection.ltr;
} else {
labelX = bounds.right - labelPadding;
labelElement.textDirection = TextDirection.rtl;
} else {
// calculatedLabelPosition == LabelPosition.outside
labelX = bounds.right + labelPadding;
labelElement.textDirection = TextDirection.ltr;
// Center the label inside the bar.
final labelY = (bounds.top +
(bounds.bottom - bounds.top) / 2 -
labelElement.measurement.verticalSliceWidth / 2)
canvas.drawText(labelElement, labelX, labelY);
/// Helper function to get the total height for a group of labels.
/// This includes the padding in between the labels.
int _getTotalLabelHeight(Iterable<TextElement> labelElements) =>
(labelElements.first.measurement.verticalSliceWidth *
.round() +
_defaultMultiLineLabelPadding * (labelElements.length - 1);
// Helper function that converts [TextStyleSpec] to [TextStyle].
TextStyle _getTextStyle(
GraphicsFactory graphicsFactory, TextStyleSpec labelSpec) {
return graphicsFactory.createTextPaint()
..color = labelSpec?.color ?? Color.black
..fontFamily = labelSpec?.fontFamily
..fontSize = labelSpec?.fontSize ?? 12
..lineHeight = labelSpec?.lineHeight;
/// Helper function to get datum specific style
TextStyle _getDatumStyle(AccessorFn<TextStyleSpec> labelFn, int datumIndex,
GraphicsFactory graphicsFactory,
{TextStyle defaultStyle}) {
final styleSpec = (labelFn != null) ? labelFn(datumIndex) : null;
return (styleSpec != null)
? _getTextStyle(graphicsFactory, styleSpec)
: defaultStyle;
/// Configures where to place the label relative to the bars.
enum BarLabelPosition {
/// Automatically try to place the label inside the bar first and place it on
/// the outside of the space available outside the bar is greater than space
/// available inside the bar.
/// Always place label on the outside.
/// Always place label on the inside.
/// Configures where to anchor the label for labels drawn inside the bars.
enum BarLabelAnchor {
/// Anchor to the measure start.
/// Anchor to the middle of the measure range.
/// Anchor to the measure end.