
时间:2019-10-21 16:28:05

标签: sql-server view timezone

是否可以在使用AT TIME ZONE的视图中从类型为datetime的表中返回一个值作为datetimeoffset?


CREATE VIEW TESTVIEW AS SELECT appointment_start AT TIME ZONE 'central european standard time' AS x FROM dbo.Appointments

结果与预期的一样,但是当我在SQL Management Studio中打开视图时,收到消息“无法解析查询文本”。

当我尝试类似的东西时也是一样 SELECT TODATETIMEOFFSET(appointment_start, DATEPART(tz, appointment_start AT TIME ZONE 'central european standard time')) as y FROM dbo.Appointments

如何在SQL视图中使用AT TIME ZONE将datetime值转换为datetimeoffset?

编辑: 当我从表中另外选择另一列时,我也得到了预期的结果,但是SQL Management Studio抱怨

SELECT id, appointment_start AT TIME ZONE 'central european standard time' AS x FROM dbo.Appointments

Error in SELECT clause: expression near 'TIME'. Missing FROM clause. Error in list of function arguments: 'AT' not recognized. Unable to parse query text.


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

可能与谁有关: 通过使用SQL函数解决了该问题。




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