创建一个程序,该程序使用菜单来调用简单健康跟踪器的各个模块,以进行初学者编程课程。 感谢您提供有关数组无法正常工作并“解析为字符串”的确切原因的帮助 在提交程序之前,我还有很多要补充的内容,但这阻碍了我。
它位于Module 3
public class HealthMate {
double bmi, bmr, heightM, weightKG;
int age, week = 7, days = 1;
int calories[] = new int[days];
int menuChoiceInt;
char genderChar;
boolean male;
public static void main(String[] args) {
HealthMate firstObj = new HealthMate();
public void menu() {
while (menuChoiceInt != 4) {
String menu = "HealthMate Alpha 0.1 \n " + "Please make a numerical selection \n";
menu += "[1] Enter or Update your Details\n";
menu += "[2] Return BMI and BMR \n"; // menu options call different modules
menu += "[3] Weekly Tracker and Advice \n";
menu += "[4] Exit \n";
String menuChoiceString = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(menu);
menuChoiceInt = Integer.parseInt(menuChoiceString);//
if (menuChoiceString != null) {
if (menuChoiceInt == 1) {
genderChar = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Please Enter your Gender as either M or F").charAt(0);
heightM = Double.parseDouble(
JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter Height in Meters,\n eg 1.73 for 173 cm.: "));
if (heightM <= 0) {
heightM = Double.parseDouble(JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Error! Enter a postitive number"));
weightKG = Double.parseDouble(JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter Weight in Kilograms"));
if (weightKG <= 0) {
weightKG = Double.parseDouble(JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Error! Enter a postitive number"));
bmi = weightKG / Math.pow(heightM, 2.0);
male = genderChar == 'M';
if (male) {
bmr = (10 * weightKG) + (62.5 * heightM) - (5 * age) + 5;
} else {
bmr = (10 * weightKG) + (62.5 * heightM) - (5 * age) - 161;
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"Your Specific BMI and BMR have been ");
menuChoiceInt = Integer.parseInt(menuChoiceString);// recall menu
if (menuChoiceInt == 2) if (bmi < 18.5) {
"Your BMI is " + bmi + ", You are underweight.\n" + "Your BMR is " + bmr);
} else if (bmi < 25) {
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Your BMI is " + bmi
+ ", You are within the healthy weight range.\n" + "Your BMR is " + bmr);
} else if (bmi < 30) {
"Your bmi is " + bmi + ", You are overweight\n" + "Your BMR is " + bmr);
} else {
"Your bmi is " + bmi + ", You are Obese" + "Your BMR is " + bmr);
"This module is supposed to recall your BMI and BMR \n"
+ "and give general advice on health.");
menuChoiceInt = Integer.parseInt(menuChoiceString);
if (menuChoiceInt == 3) {
while (days > week) {
calories[week] = Integer.parseInt(JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter Calories for day"[days]);// employee salary
days = days + 1;
"This module is supposed to store data in an array over the course \n"
+ "of a week to show you your pattern of intake vs output.");
menuChoiceInt = Integer.parseInt(menuChoiceString);
} else if (menuChoiceInt == 4) {
答案 0 :(得分:1)
您有int days = 1
calories[week] = Integer.parseInt(JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter Calories for day " + days));