抛出后终止调用,SWIG C ++ PYTHON?

时间:2019-10-20 15:21:50

标签: python c++ swig

我正在使用Swig将C ++函数与我的Python库连接。我设法编译了所有内容并创建了.so文件。用swig编译并创建必要的库后,我在ipython上尝试了函数connect_PE_func,在这里我插入了执行的python命令:


  在[2]中:test = connect_PE_func.connect_pe_func([“”,“ 2600000026”])

     抛出'std :: logic_error'实例后调用

terminate     what():basic_string :: _ M_construct null无效   中止

我不知道会发生什么。 C ++函数会创建一个TCP套接字,并从一个带有我编写的C ++代码的终端发送一个十六进制代码到使用另一个十六进制代码进行回复的设备:


connect_PE_func 260000026


我将代码附加到文件.c .h e .i中,我与swig一起使用以获取.so。



#include <stdio.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <string>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <cstring>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sstream>
#include "connect_PE_func.h"
using namespace std;

char * connect_pe_func(int argc, char *argv[])
    int sockfd, n;
    int connected = 0;
    struct sockaddr_in servaddr;
    std::string serveraddr = argv[1];

    sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);

    bzero(&servaddr, sizeof(servaddr));
    servaddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
    servaddr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(serveraddr.c_str());
    servaddr.sin_port = htons(9761);

    connect(sockfd, (struct sockaddr *)&servaddr, sizeof(servaddr));

    std::string pref_hex;
    std::string hex("0x");
    std::string test = argv[2];
    size_t numbytes = test.size() / 2;

    uint8_t command[numbytes];

    for (size_t w = 0, x = 0; w < numbytes; ++w, x += 2)
        pref_hex = hex + test.substr(x, 2);
        cout << pref_hex;
        command[w] = stoi(pref_hex, nullptr, 16);

    int bytes_to_send = sizeof(command);

    send(sockfd, command, bytes_to_send, 0);
    uint8_t output_command[numbytes];
    recv(sockfd, output_command, bytes_to_send, 0);

    char test_out[10];

    for (size_t w = 0, x = 0; w < numbytes; ++w, x += 2)
        test_out[x] = (char)output_command[w];
    return test_out;


    // file: connect_PE_func.h
    char* connect_pe_func(char *argv[], int argc);

 /* file: connect_PE_func.i */
%module connect_PE_func

%include <argcargv.i>

%apply (int ARGC, char **ARGV) { (size_t argc, const char **argv)}

/* Everything in this block will be copied in the wrapper file. We include the C header file necessary to compile the int$
#include "connect_PE_func.h"

//  extern char *connect_pe_func(int argc, char *argv[]);

%typemap(in) (int argc, char *argv[]) {
  int i;
  if (!PyList_Check($input)) {
    PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "Expecting a list");
    return NULL;
  $1 = PyList_Size($input);
  $2 = (char **) malloc(($1+1)*sizeof(char *));
  for (i = 0; i < $1; i++) {
    PyObject *s = PyList_GetItem($input,i);
    if (!PyUnicode_AsUTF8(s)) {
        PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "List items must be strings");
        return NULL;
    $2[i] = PyString_AsString(s);
  $2[i] = 0;

%typemap(freearg) (int argc, char *argv[]) {
   free($2); // If here is uneeded, free(NULL) is legal

/* list functions to be interfaced: */
char* connect_pe_func(int argc, char *argv[]);

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