
时间:2019-10-18 21:44:59

标签: batch-file

我是批处理脚本的新手,正在尝试创建一个脚本,这将帮助我随时进行漫长的手动处理。我在批处理脚本中使用了if else语句,但是所有指令都一次性执行了,我仅给出1作为输入。代码如下。

call echo 1. Clone a branch from bitbucket
call echo 2. Specify the Absolute path of project
set /P choice=" Enter your Choice : "
if %choice%==1 ( 
    call set /P fo="enter folder name: " 
    call cd %USERPROFILE%\Desktop\ProjectFolder\%fo%
    echo Clone will be created in the following address
    call cd
    call set /P gitUserName="Enter bitbucket UserName : " 
    call set /P branch=" Enter Branch Name : "
    call echo Git User : %gitUserName%
    call echo Branch Name : %branch%
    call git clone https://%gitUserName%@bitbucket.org/MyProject/Project-demo.git -b %branch%
    call cd Project-demo
) else (
    call set /P pathname = "Enter Absolute path of Project-demo : "
    cd %pathname%

im在Windows 10上运行它。尝试出于调试目的禁​​用@echo off,发现所有指令都在执行,最后{call set / P fo =“ enter folder name:”} <-执行此行。

我希望它创建一个文件夹并在此处git clone我的项目之一。任何帮助表示赞赏。


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

您遇到的问题与延迟扩展有关。括号内的所有内容都将被立即处理,因此如果没有更多的复杂性,您将无法真正完成您想做的事情。这与 Delayed Expansion 有关。


启用 EnableDelayedExpansion 标志并使用“!”而不是您的代码块中的“%”。


正确使用 “通话” 。.与您当前的使用方式不同。调用用于在批处理文件中调用标签。有点像函数。如果您在该标签的末尾使用goto :EOF,它将像使用真正编程语言的函数一样返回到调用方。

BTW .. 调用 也可以用于调用另一个批处理文件,但是我们现在不再讨论。一次一位。

我将向您展示call方法(我更喜欢而其他人讨厌)。在添加 EnableDelayedExpansion 关键字之前,调用方法是唯一的方法。



@echo off

echo 1. Clone a branch from bitbucket
echo 2. Specify the Absolute path of project
set /P choice=" Enter your Choice : "

:: If they didn't pick a valid option, show the question again...
if not "%choice%"=="1" if not "%choice%"=="2" goto :START

:: Otherwise, take them down the right path
if "%choice%"=="1" call :DoBitBucketClone
if "%choice%"=="2" call :DoAbsolutePath
:: goto :EOF here will simply exit the script
goto :EOF

    set /P fo="enter folder name: " 
    cd %USERPROFILE%\Desktop\ProjectFolder\%fo%
    echo Clone will be created in the following address
    set /P gitUserName="Enter bitbucket UserName : " 
    set /P branch=" Enter Branch Name : "
    echo Git User : %gitUserName%
    echo Branch Name : %branch%
    git clone https://%gitUserName%@bitbucket.org/MyProject/Project-demo.git -b %branch%
    cd Project-demo
    :: we 'could' just exit here but I am trying to
    :: show you how the return works..
    goto :EOF

    set /P pathname="Enter Absolute path of Project-demo : "
    echo "Path set to %pathname%"
    cd /d %pathname%
    :: we 'could' just exit here but I am trying to
    :: show you how the return works..
    goto :EOF


答案 1 :(得分:0)

当您删除@ECHO OFF时,它会显示 entire if语句,而不仅仅是您正在运行的部分。那只是批处理脚本的限制。



  1. 检查目标目录是否存在。如果没有,那就做。
  2. 显式检查else的大小写是否为2,并为1或2以外的其他内容添加错误大小写。
  3. 用引号引起来的路径
  4. 删除了不必要的call用法
  5. 为git clone失败添加了错误检查


SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion

    echo 1. Clone a branch from bitbucket
    echo 2. Specify the Absolute path of project

    set /P choice=" Enter your Choice : "
    if %choice%==1 (
        set /P fo="enter folder name: "

        SET "DEST=!USERPROFILE!\Desktop\ProjectFolder\!fo!"
        IF NOT EXIST "!DEST!" mkdir "!DEST!"

        cd "!DEST!"
        echo Clone will be created in the following address
        echo !DEST!

        set /P gitUserName="Enter bitbucket UserName : " 
        set /P branch=" Enter Branch Name : "

        echo Git User    : !gitUserName!
        echo Branch Name : !branch!
        git clone https://!gitUserName!@bitbucket.org/MyProject/Project-demo.git -b !branch!
        if errorlevel 1    EXIT /B 1

        cd Project-demo

    ) else if %choice%==2 (
        set /P pathname = "Enter Absolute path of Project-demo : "
        cd !pathname!

    ) else (
        ECHO ERROR: Unexpected choice '%choice%'

 EXIT /B 0)