
时间:2019-10-18 16:53:45

标签: python-3.x


    public async Task ScheduleNotices()
        var schedules = await _dbContext.Schedules
            .Include(x => x.User)

        if (!schedules.HasAny())

        foreach (var schedule in schedules)
            var today = DateTime.UtcNow.Date;

            // schedule notification only if not already scheduled for today
            if (schedule.LastScheduledDateTime == null || schedule.LastScheduledDateTime.Value.Date < today)
                //construct scheduled datetime for today
                var scheduleDate = new DateTime(today.Year, today.Month, today.Day, schedule.PreferredTime.Hours, schedule.PreferredTime.Minutes, schedule.PreferredTime.Seconds, DateTimeKind.Unspecified);

                // convert scheduled datetime to UTC
                schedule.LastScheduledDateTime = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeToUtc(scheduleDate, TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById(schedule.User.TimeZone));

                //*** i think we dont have to convert to DateTimeOffSet since LastScheduledDateTime is already in UTC
                var dateTimeOffSet = new DateTimeOffset(schedule.LastScheduledDateTime.Value);

                BackgroundJob.Schedule<INotificationService>(x => x.Notify(schedule.CompanyUserID), dateTimeOffSet);

        await _dbContext.SaveChangesAsync();


df2= pd.Series(['Series of Class A','Series of Class B part of Class C','Class D','Class'])
data = df2.str.split(r'.(?='+seperator+')', n = 2, expand=True)



 0                1        2
0  Series of          Class A     None
1  Series of  Class B part of  Class C
2    Class D             None     None
3      Class             None     None


data = df2.str.rsplit(r'.(?='+seperator+')', n = 2, expand=True)

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

不幸的是,pd.Series.str.rsplit不能按文档所述工作(v0.25stable/v1+)。该项目的GitHub问题跟踪器自2019年11月起有一个open bug,声称rsplit不能使用正则表达式模式(v 4.24.2和0.25.2)。在内部,该方法正在调用不支持正则表达式的str.rsplit


def str_rsplit(arr, pat=None, n=None):

    if pat is None or len(pat) == 1:
        if n is None or n == 0:
            n = -1
        f = lambda x: x.rsplit(pat, n)
        if n is None or n == -1:
            n = 0
        regex = re.compile(pat)
        def f(x):
            s = regex.split(x)
            a, b = s[:-n], s[-n:]
            if not a:
                return b
            ix = 0
            for a_ in a:
                ix = x.find(a_, ix) + len(a_)
            x_ = [x[:ix]]
            return x_ + b
    return f
    res = _na_map(f, arr)
    return res