我可以在Unity 2018.4中使用MongoDB 3.6或更高版本吗?

时间:2019-10-18 13:53:57

标签: c# database mongodb unity3d compiler-errors

我正在尝试将MongoDB与this unity tutorial一起应用MongoDB购买了mLab,因此通过mongoDB地图集完成mongoDB的登录。而且它们仅支持MongoDB 3.6及更高版本。

我已经使用 AWS 创建了集群(类似于GUI mLab的集群),

  • 在“概述”选项卡上,单击“连接”按钮。在以下三个选项中:“与Mongo Shell连接” /“连接您的应用程序” /“与MongoDB Compass连接”-连接您的应用程序与您提供的代码最相关。
  • 在“连接您的应用程序”中,您需要选择一个驱动程序:我选择了C#/ .NET(因为这是C#项目),版本为2.5或更高版本。
  • 获得“连接字符串”:mongodb+srv://user_name:<password>@testmp-pkump.mongodb.net/test?retryWrites=true


  1. 项目名称不是“ test”(如此处所说,就在retryWrites = true之前):mongodb + srv://:@ testmp-pkump.mongodb.net / test?retryWrites = true < / p>

  2. 我已将此链接传递给以下代码:private const string MONGO_URI,对于用户名,我写我添加到集群中的用户,对于密码,我写我已经输入的密码添加到集群中的用户。 -不是我用来创建MongoDB帐户的用户

  3. 运行“服务器”场景时出现错误:=

ArgumentException: Invalid keyword 'mongodb+srv://:@serverclientmp-
MongoDB.Driver.MongoConnectionStringBuilder.set_Item (System.String 
keyword, System.Object value)
(System.String connectionString) 
(System.String connectionString) 
(System.String value) MongoDB.Driver.MongoConnectionStringBuilder..ctor 
(System.String connectionString) 
MongoDB.Driver.MongoClient.ParseConnectionString (System.String 
connectionString) MongoDB.Driver.MongoClient..ctor (System.String 
connectionString) Mongo.Init () (at Assets/Scripts/Database/Mongo.cs:16) 
Server.Init () (at Assets/Scripts/Server.cs:40) Server.Start () (at 

我尝试将API兼容级别更改为.NET 4.x,并出现以下错误:

ArgumentException: Invalid option 'retryWrites'.
Parameter name: url
MongoDB.Driver.MongoUrlBuilder.Parse (System.String url) (at 
MongoDB.Driver.MongoUrlBuilder..ctor (System.String url) (at 
MongoDB.Driver.MongoUrl..ctor (System.String url) (at 
MongoDB.Driver.MongoClient.ParseConnectionString (System.String 
connectionString) (at <6da29fc855c44d33ad78b3e27475ff27>:0)
MongoDB.Driver.MongoClient..ctor (System.String connectionString) (at 
Mongo.Init () (at Assets/Script/Database/Mongo.cs:15)
Server.Init () (at Assets/Script/Server.cs:38)
Server.Start () (at Assets/Script/Server.cs:27)



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)



我没有观看您跟随的教程视频,但是我设置了与这些dll files的连接(我假设您还为它们创建了 Plugins 文件夹)。至于“教程”,我只是遵循了此快速入门guide和此one的知识。我刚刚阅读了documentation

  • 我正在使用 MongoDB v4.2.1
  • 我正在使用 Unity 2019.3
  • 我正在使用 API兼容性.Net Standard 2.0
  • 我正在集群上使用 admin用户。我不知道您的情况是什么,但我记得文档中说您的用户应具有读写权限,因此请检查一下。

最后,当我第一次尝试连接到远程数据库时出现了一个错误,但是也许是因为我的代码被包裹在try catch块中,所以它不会产生您提供的错误,而是这样的:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>

typedef struct F
    char *Titel;
    struct F *Next;
    struct F *Prev;
} TCD;

void swapString( char **str1, char **str2 )
    char *temp = *str2;
    *str2 = *str1;
    *str1 = temp;

TCD *partition( TCD *Start, TCD *End, int( *cmp )(const void *, const void*) )
    TCD *partitionIdx = Start;
    TCD *i;

    for ( i = Start; i != End; i = i->Next )
        if ( cmp( i->Titel, End->Titel ) < 0 )
            swapString( &i->Titel, &partitionIdx->Titel );

            //NOTE: I disabled the following line from the original code, as it was doing nonsense. It was causing a node to point to itself.
            //partitionIdx->Prev = partitionIdx;

            partitionIdx = partitionIdx->Next;

    swapString( &partitionIdx->Titel, &End->Titel );

    return partitionIdx;

void Quicksort( TCD *Start, TCD *End, int( *cmp )(const void *, const void *) )
    //NOTE: In the following if condition, I disabled part of the original code, because a partition of two elements must be sorted
    if ( Start != NULL && End != Start /*&& End != Start->Next*/ )
        TCD *partitionIdx = partition( Start, End, cmp );

        if ( Start != partitionIdx )
            Quicksort( Start, partitionIdx->Prev, cmp );
        if ( partitionIdx != End )
            Quicksort( partitionIdx->Next, End, cmp );

// NOTE:
// The following functions are not part of the algorithm, but are only
// used to test the algorithm.

void AddToList( TCD **head, TCD **tail, char *str )
    TCD *p;

    //allocate new node and fill it with the data
    p = malloc( sizeof(*p) );
    assert( p != NULL );
    p->Titel = str;
    p->Next = NULL;
    p->Prev = *tail;

    //attach new node to list by updating head or next pointer
    if ( *head == NULL )
        *head = p;
        (*tail)->Next = p;

    //update tail pointer too
    *tail = p;


void PrintList( FILE *stream, TCD *head )
    TCD *p;

    for ( p = head; p != NULL; p = p->Next )
        fprintf( stream, "%s\n", p->Titel );

    fprintf( stream, "\n" );

void FreeList( TCD *head )
    TCD *p = head;

    while ( p != NULL )
        TCD *tmp = p;

        p = p->Next;

        free( tmp );

int main( void )
    TCD *head = NULL, *tail = NULL;

    //create linked list with a bit of unsorted test data
    AddToList( &head, &tail, "string8" );
    AddToList( &head, &tail, "string4" );
    AddToList( &head, &tail, "string2" );
    AddToList( &head, &tail, "string7" );
    AddToList( &head, &tail, "string3" );
    AddToList( &head, &tail, "string5" );
    AddToList( &head, &tail, "string1" );
    AddToList( &head, &tail, "string6" );

    //print list before sorting
    fprintf( stderr, "List before sort:\n" );
    PrintList( stderr, head );

    //do the actual sorting
    Quicksort( head, tail, strcmp );

    //print list after sorting
    fprintf( stderr, "List after sort:\n" );
    PrintList( stderr, head );

    //free the linked list
    FreeList( head );

    return 0;



Unable to authenticate using sasl protocol mechanism SCRAM-SHA-1 mongo c# driver