Bot Framework V4多转提示功能问题QnaMaker

时间:2019-10-17 15:56:36

标签: c# botframework qnamaker


q) How to get New York Printer details(QnAID: 13)
a) details are below NY73889-B0

q) How to get Dallas printer details (QnAID: 14)
a) details are below DL093883-B1

q) printer location 
a) please chose from the 2 options below
   Dallas(QnAID: 13)  New York(QnAID: 14)    (Prompts)
a) Dallas is a beautiful city

q)New York
a) City of lights


2)     q)如何获取Dallas打印机详细信息(QnAID:14)     a)<详细>详细信息低于DL093883-B1 ,因为我们已将提示连接到问题4,并且我们使用了旧状态,该状态已为达拉斯选择了QnaID选项。但是相反,它给出了以下答案,因为仅与用户响应的达拉斯提示文本匹配,而无需考虑旧状态,请提供任何帮助

4)     q)达拉斯      a)达拉斯是一座美丽的城市

protected override async Task<(object newState, IEnumerable<Activity> output, object result)> ProcessAsync(object oldState, Activity inputActivity)
    Activity outputActivity = null;
    QnABotState newState = null;
    var query = inputActivity.Text; ;

    //Step 4) We Build the json based on the value selected user so we make a call to the Qna Maker using the response from the user on the button click and the previous state
    //here we check if there was a prompt  from the previous question and update the state to send to the bot for response based on the option selected
    if (((QnAPrompting.Models.QnABotState)oldState) != null)
        for (int i = 0; i < ((QnABotState)oldState).PreviousPromptValues.Length; i++)
            if (((QnABotState)oldState).PreviousPromptValues[i].DisplayText == query)
                ((QnABotState)oldState).qnaId = ((QnABotState)oldState).PreviousPromptValues[i].QnaId;
                ((QnABotState)oldState).question = query;
    } //Step5). when we get the response from the user after the choosing an option from the prompt, it queries the qnamaker and filters based on the old state as well
    //Step1). we get the prompts based on the question asked for the first time the old state is empty
    var qnaResult = await _qnaService.QueryQnAServiceAsync(query, (QnABotState)oldState);
    var qnaAnswer = qnaResult[0].Answer;
    var prompts = qnaResult[0].Context?.Prompts;

    if (prompts == null || prompts.Length < 1)

        if (((QnAPrompting.Models.QnABotState)oldState) != null)
            if (((QnAPrompting.Models.QnABotState)oldState).IsPreviousPrompt)
                string method = "/knowledgebases/{0}/{1}/qna/";
                var method_with_id = String.Format(method, "KBID", "prod");
                var uri = "" + "/qnamaker/v4.0" + method_with_id;
                Console.WriteLine("Calling " + uri + ".");
                var response = await Get(uri);
        outputActivity = MessageFactory.Text(qnaAnswer);
    else //Step 2.)prompt parameters are stored in the state

        ContextValues ctx = new ContextValues();
        ctx.PreviousQnaId = qnaResult[0].Id;
        ctx.PreviousUserQuery = query;
        //store here in azure table
        newState = new QnABotState
            question = string.Empty,
            userId = "Default",
            context = ctx,
            PreviousPromptValues = prompts,

        outputActivity = CardHelper.GetHeroCard(qnaAnswer, prompts);
    //Step 3) Prompt is displayed to the user
    return (newState, new Activity[] { outputActivity }, null);

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)
