我正在尝试在Laravel Dusk上做一个测试用例,在这里在输入字段中进行输入,我看到一些奇怪的功能,有时它不能键入完整的字符并处理下一个断言/测试
->type('@stock-update-name', 'keshgjkfsdh289359846359462svfcvbjn8475645ksjdhgjfsg5')
->press('@stock-update-submit')//clicked on the button and redirected to table and show the expected filled content
->assertSee('The given data was invalid')
->assertSee('The name may not be greater than 20 characters.')
->type('@stock-update-name', '@#$786jdf')
->press('@stock-update-submit')//clicked on the button and redirected to table and show the expected filled content
->assertSee('The given data was invalid')
->assertSee('The name format is invalid.')
->type('@stock-update-name', 'instock')//check for valid stock name
->assertSee('stock has been updated.')