专注于Swiftui中的下一个TextField / SecureField

时间:2019-10-16 22:25:26

标签: ios swiftui


struct LoginView: View {
    @State var username: String = ""
    @State var password: String = ""

    var body: some View {
        ScrollView {
            VStack {
                TextField("Email", text: $username)
                    .frame(width: 300)
                    .padding(.bottom, 20)

                SecureField("Password", text: $password)
                    .frame(width: 300)
                    .padding(.bottom, 20)

                Button(action: {

                }, label: {
                        .frame(width: 300)
                        .background((username.isEmpty || password.isEmpty) ? Color.gray : Color(UIColor.cricHQOrangeColor()))
                        .padding(.bottom, 20)
                }).disabled(username.isEmpty || password.isEmpty)

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)





import SwiftUI

struct KeyboardTypeView: View {
    @State var firstName = ""
    @State var lastName = ""
    @State var focused: [Bool] = [true, false]

    var body: some View {
        Form {
            Section(header: Text("Your Info")) {
                TextFieldTyped(keyboardType: .default, returnVal: .next, tag: 0, text: self.$firstName, isfocusAble: self.$focused)
                TextFieldTyped(keyboardType: .default, returnVal: .done, tag: 1, text: self.$lastName, isfocusAble: self.$focused)
                Text("Full Name :" + self.firstName + " " + self.lastName)

struct TextFieldTyped: UIViewRepresentable {
    let keyboardType: UIKeyboardType
    let returnVal: UIReturnKeyType
    let tag: Int
    @Binding var text: String
    @Binding var isfocusAble: [Bool]

    func makeUIView(context: Context) -> UITextField {
        let textField = UITextField(frame: .zero)
        textField.keyboardType = self.keyboardType
        textField.returnKeyType = self.returnVal
        textField.tag = self.tag
        textField.delegate = context.coordinator
        textField.autocorrectionType = .no

        return textField

    func updateUIView(_ uiView: UITextField, context: Context) {
        if isfocusAble[tag] {
        } else {

    func makeCoordinator() -> Coordinator {

    class Coordinator: NSObject, UITextFieldDelegate {
        var parent: TextFieldTyped

        init(_ textField: TextFieldTyped) {
            self.parent = textField

        func updatefocus(textfield: UITextField) {

func textFieldShouldReturn(_ textField: UITextField) -> Bool {

            if parent.tag == 0 {
                parent.isfocusAble = [false, true]
                parent.text = textField.text ?? ""
            } else if parent.tag == 1 {
                parent.isfocusAble = [false, false]
                parent.text = textField.text ?? ""
        return true




答案 1 :(得分:1)

我改进了Gene Z. Ragan和Razib Mollick的回答。修复了崩溃问题,该问题允许任何数量的文本字段,支持密码并将其纳入自己的类。

struct UITextFieldView: UIViewRepresentable {
    let contentType: UITextContentType
    let returnVal: UIReturnKeyType
    let placeholder: String
    let tag: Int
    @Binding var text: String
    @Binding var isfocusAble: [Bool]

    func makeUIView(context: Context) -> UITextField {
        let textField = UITextField(frame: .zero)
        textField.textContentType = contentType
        textField.returnKeyType = returnVal
        textField.tag = tag
        textField.delegate = context.coordinator
        textField.placeholder = placeholder
        textField.clearButtonMode = UITextField.ViewMode.whileEditing

        if textField.textContentType == .password || textField.textContentType == .newPassword {
            textField.isSecureTextEntry = true

        return textField

    func updateUIView(_ uiView: UITextField, context: Context) {
        uiView.text = text

        if uiView.window != nil {
            if isfocusAble[tag] {
                if !uiView.isFirstResponder {
            } else {

    func makeCoordinator() -> Coordinator {

    class Coordinator: NSObject, UITextFieldDelegate {
        var parent: UITextFieldView

        init(_ textField: UITextFieldView) {
            self.parent = textField

        func textFieldDidChangeSelection(_ textField: UITextField) {
            // Without async this will modify the state during view update.
            DispatchQueue.main.async {
                self.parent.text = textField.text ?? ""

        func textFieldShouldBeginEditing(_ textField: UITextField) -> Bool {
            setFocus(tag: parent.tag)
            return true

        func setFocus(tag: Int) {
            let reset = tag >= parent.isfocusAble.count || tag < 0

            if reset || !parent.isfocusAble[tag] {
                var newFocus = [Bool](repeatElement(false, count: parent.isfocusAble.count))
                if !reset {
                    newFocus[tag] = true
                // Without async this will modify the state during view update.
                DispatchQueue.main.async {
                    self.parent.isfocusAble = newFocus

        func textFieldShouldReturn(_ textField: UITextField) -> Bool {
            setFocus(tag: parent.tag + 1)
            return true

struct UITextFieldView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
    static var previews: some View {
        UITextFieldView(contentType: .emailAddress,
                       returnVal: .next,
                       placeholder: "Email",
                       tag: 0,
                       text: .constant(""),
                       isfocusAble: .constant([false]))

答案 2 :(得分:1)

iOS 15

在 iOS 15 中,我们现在可以使用 @FocusState 来控制应该关注哪个字段。


enter image description here

struct ContentView: View {
    @State private var email: String = ""
    @State private var username: String = ""
    @State private var password: String = ""

    @FocusState private var focusedField: Field?

    var body: some View {
        NavigationView {
            VStack {
                TextField("Email", text: $email)
                    .focused($focusedField, equals: .email)
                TextField("Username", text: $username)
                    .focused($focusedField, equals: .username)
                SecureField("Password", text: $password)
                    .focused($focusedField, equals: .password)
            .toolbar {
                ToolbarItem(placement: .keyboard) {
                    Button(action: focusPreviousField) {
                        Image(systemName: "chevron.up")
                    .disabled(!canFocusPreviousField()) // remove this to loop through fields
                ToolbarItem(placement: .keyboard) {
                    Button(action: focusNextField) {
                        Image(systemName: "chevron.down")
                    .disabled(!canFocusNextField()) // remove this to loop through fields
extension ContentView {
    private enum Field: Int, CaseIterable {
        case email, username, password
    private func focusPreviousField() {
        focusedField = focusedField.map {
            Field(rawValue: $0.rawValue - 1) ?? .password

    private func focusNextField() {
        focusedField = focusedField.map {
            Field(rawValue: $0.rawValue + 1) ?? .email
    private func canFocusPreviousField() -> Bool {
        guard let currentFocusedField = focusedField else {
            return false
        return currentFocusedField.rawValue > 0

    private func canFocusNextField() -> Bool {
        guard let currentFocusedField = focusedField else {
            return false
        return currentFocusedField.rawValue < Field.allCases.count - 1

注意:从 Xcode 13 beta 1 开始,@FocusStateForm/List 中不起作用。这应该在下一个版本中修复。