
时间:2019-10-16 20:33:23

标签: regex






  • “ ABC-ER-015-30-纽约两色耳环”
  • “ ABC-1234-加利福尼亚州自定义产品”


  • 找到第一个空间...
  • 然后向后工作以找到最后一个破折号...
  • 然后提取所有破折号 ...

所以我想从以上两个示例中提取: -“ ABC-ER-015-30” -“ ABC-1234”





2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


function remove_item_from_list(list_, remove_item, all = true) { /* Removes all occurrences of remove_item from list_ */ for (var i = list_.length; i--;) { if (list_[i] === remove_item) { list_.splice(i, 1); } } return list_ } function add_null_keys(dict_, keys_to_add){ /* This function will add the keys in the keys_to_add list to the dict_ object with the vall null ex: dict_ = {'key_1': 1, 'key_2': 2} keys_to_add = ['a', 'b', 'c'] output: {'key_1': 1, 'key_2': 2, 'a': NULL, 'b': NULL', 'c':'NULL'} */ //get the current keys in the dict var current_keys = Object.keys(dict_) for (index in keys_to_add){ key = keys_to_add[index] //if the dict doesnt have the key add the key as null if(current_keys.includes(key) === false){ dict_[key] = null } } return dict_ } function merge2(dict_1, dict_2, on, how_join){ /* This function is where the actual comparison happens to see if two dictionaries share the same key We loop through the on_list to see if the various keys that we are joining on between the two dicts match. If all the keys match we combine the dictionaries. If the keys do not match and it is an inner join, an undefined object gets returned If the keys do not match and it is NOT an inner join, we add all the key values of the second dictionary as null to the first dictionary and return those */ var join_dicts = true //loop through the join on key for (index in on){ join_key = on[index] //if one of the join keys dont match, then we arent joining the dictionaries if (dict_1[join_key] != dict_2[join_key]){ join_dicts = false break } } //check to see if we are still joining the dictionaries if (join_dicts === true){ return Object.assign({}, dict_1, dict_2); } else{ if (how_join !== 'inner'){ //need to add null keys to dict_1, which is acting as the main side of the join var temp = add_null_keys(dict_1, Object.keys(dict_2)) return temp } } } function dict_merge_loop_though(left_dict, right_dict, on, how_join){ /* This function loops through the left_dict and compares everything in it to the right_dict it determines if a join happens, what the join is and returns the information Figuring out the left/right joins were difficult. I had to add a base_level dict to determine if there was no join or if there was a join...its complicated to explain */ var master_list = [] var index = 0 //need to loop through what we are joining on while(index < left_dict.length){ //grab the left dictionary left_dict_ = left_dict[index] var index2 = 0 //necessary for left/right join var remove_val = add_null_keys(left_dict_, Object.keys(right_dict[index2])) var temp_list = [remove_val] while (index2 < right_dict.length){ //get the right dictionary so we can compete each dictionary to each other right_dict_ = right_dict[index2] //inner join the two dicts if (how_join === 'inner'){ var temp_val = merge2(left_dict_, right_dict_, on, how_join) //if whats returned is a dict, add it to the master list if (temp_val != undefined){ master_list.push(temp_val) } } //means we are right/left joining else{ //left join the two dicts if (how_join === 'left'){ var temp_val = merge2(left_dict_, right_dict_, on, how_join) } //right join the two dicts else if (how_join === 'right'){ var temp_val = merge2(right_dict_, left_dict_, on, how_join) } temp_list.push(temp_val) } //increment this guy index2++ } //Logic for left/right joins to for what to add to master list if (how_join !== 'inner'){ // remove the remove val from the list. All that remains is what should be added //to the master return list. If the length of the list is 0 it means that there was no //join and that we should add the remove val (with the extra keys being null) to the master //return list temp_list = remove_item_from_list(temp_list, remove_val) if (temp_list.length == 0){ master_list.push(remove_val) } else{ master_list = master_list.concat(temp_list); } } //increment to move onto the next thing index++ } return master_list } function merge(left_dict, right_dict, on = [], how = 'inner'){ /* This function will merge two dictionaries together You provide a left dictionary, a right dictionary, a list of what key to join on and what type of join you would like to do (right, left, inner) a list of the merged dictionaries is returned */ //get the join type and initialize the master list of dictionaries that will be returned var how_join = how.toLowerCase() var master_list = [] //inner, right, and left joins are actually pretty similar in theory. The only major difference between //left and right joins is the order that the data is processed. So the only difference is we call the //merging function with the dictionaries in a different order if (how_join === 'inner'){ master_list = dict_merge_loop_though(left_dict, right_dict, on, how_join) } else if (how_join === 'left'){ master_list = dict_merge_loop_though(left_dict, right_dict, on, how_join) } else if (how_join === 'right'){ master_list = dict_merge_loop_though(right_dict, left_dict, on, how_join) } else{ console.log('---- ERROR ----') console.log('The "how" merge type is not correct. Please make sure it is either "inner", "left" or "right"') console.log('---- ERROR ----') } return master_list } /* -------------------- EXAMPLE -------------------- var arr1 = [ {'id': 1, 'test': 2, 'text':"hello", 'oid': 2}, {'id': 1, 'test': 1, 'text':"juhu", 'oid': 3}, {'id': 3, 'test': 3, 'text':"wohoo", 'oid': 4}, {'id': 4, 'test': 4, 'text':"yeehaw", 'oid': 1} ]; var arr2 = [ {'id': 1,'test': 2, 'name':"yoda"}, {'id': 1,'test': 1, 'name':"herbert"}, {'id': 3, 'name':"john"}, {'id': 4, 'name':"walter"}, {'id': 5, 'name':"clint"} ]; var test = merge(arr1, arr2, on = ['id', 'test'], how = 'left') for (index in test){ dict_ = test[index] console.log(dict_) } */ 时,您可以添加正向先行,断言一个破折号,1 +个非空白字符和一个空格。

know that all product names have a space
  • ^[A-Z0-9]+(?:-[A-Z0-9]+)+(?=-\S+ ) 字符串的开头
  • ^匹配1次以上A-Z0-9
  • [A-Z0-9]+重复1次以上,与(?:-[A-Z0-9]+)+和A-Z0-9匹配
  • -正向前进,断言(?=-\S+ ),1个以上非whitspace字符和一个空格

Regex demo



Regex demo

答案 1 :(得分:1)


^(?:[A-Z0-9]+-?)+?(?=-\S+[ ])



^               # Beginning of the string.
(?:             # Start of a non-capturing group.
    [A-Z0-9]+   # Any uppercase letter or a digit repeated one or more times.
    -?          # An optional hyphen characters.
)               # End of the non-capturing group.
(?=             # Start of a positive Lookahead.
    -           # Matches a hyphen character literally.
    \S+         # Any non-whitespace character repeated one or more times.
    [ ]         # Matches a space character.
)               # End of the lookahead.
