这是问题的简化版本:我有一个3D数组,并且想将2D数组(也称为矩阵)绑定到3D数组的末尾。具体来说,我希望2D数组的行映射到3D数组的deps,并且我希望2D数组的cols映射到3D数组的cols(也就是将矩阵切片添加到数组的底部) 。从视觉上看,如果我们想到一堆R编程书籍(3D数组),这就像在堆栈底部添加了Hadley Wickham的最新R书籍(2D数组)。
可以做到这一点,但是我不知道该怎么做。我尝试了abind::abind(array3D, array2D, along = c(3,2))
是多维的。我也用abind::abind(array3D, array2D, along = 1)
打个比方,我的目标在概念上类似于rbind(matrix, vector)
array3D <- array(data = c(111, 211, 311,
121, 221, 321,
112, 212, 312,
122, 222, 322,
113, 213, 313,
123, 223, 323,
114, 214, 314,
124, 224, 324),
dim = c(3,2,4),
dimnames = list("row" = c("row1","row2","row3"),
"col" = c("col1","col2"),
"dep" = c("dep1","dep2","dep3","dep4")))
array2D <- array(data = c(411, 412, 413, 414,
421, 422, 423, 424),
dim = c(4,2),
dimnames = list("dep" = c("dep1","dep2","dep3","dep4"),
"col" = c("col1","col2")))
abindError <- abind(array3D, array2D, along = c(3,2))
Error in abind(array3D, array2D, along = c(3, 2)) : "along" must specify one dimension of the array, or interpolate between two dimensions of the array
abindError <- abind(array3D, array2D, along = 1)
Error in abind(array3D, array2D, along = 1) : arg 'X2' has dims=1, 4, 2; but need dims=X, 2, 4
desiredResult <- array(data = c(111, 211, 311, 411,
121, 221, 321, 421,
112, 212, 312, 412,
122, 222, 322, 422,
113, 213, 313, 413,
123, 223, 323, 423,
114, 214, 314, 414,
124, 224, 324, 424),
dim = c(4,2,4),
dimnames = list("row" = c("row1","row2","row3","row4"),
"col" = c("col1","col2"),
"dep" = c("dep1","dep2","dep3","dep4")))
答案 0 :(得分:2)
arg'X2'具有dims = 1,4,2;但需要dims = X,2,4
从4, 2
到2, 4
abind::abind(array3D, t(array2D), along = 1)
# , , dep1
# col1 col2
# row1 111 121
# row2 211 221
# row3 311 321
# 411 421
# , , dep2
# col1 col2
# row1 112 122
# row2 212 222
# row3 312 322
# 412 422
# , , dep3
# col1 col2
# row1 113 123
# row2 213 223
# row3 313 323
# 413 423
# , , dep4
# col1 col2
# row1 114 124
# row2 214 224
# row3 314 324
# 414 424
all(abind::abind(array3D, t(array2D), along = 1) == desiredResult)
# [1] TRUE
### except for the names, of course