org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'entityManagerFactory' defined in class path resource [org/springframework/boot/autoconfigure/orm/jpa/HibernateJpaConfiguration.class]: Invocation of init method failed; nested exception is javax.persistence.PersistenceException: [PersistenceUnit: default] Unable to build Hibernate SessionFactory; nested exception is org.hibernate.MappingException: Could not determine type for: java.util.Set, at table: mapped, for columns: [org.hibernate.mapping.Column(avs_application)]
@Table(name = "avs")
public class AVSApplication implements java.io.Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
@Column(name = "appcode")
private String appcode;
@Column(name = "acro")
private String acro;
@Column(name = "appname")
private String appname;
private AVSMapped avsMapped;
public AVSApplication(String mAppCode, String mAcronym, String mAppName) {
this.appcode = mAppCode;
this.acro = mAcronym;
this.appname = mAppName;
//Default Constructor
public AVSApplication () {
public String getmAppCode() {
return appcode;
public String getmAcronym() {
return acro;
public String getmAppName() {
return appname;
@ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
@JoinColumn(name = "mGpStatus")
public AVSMapped getMapped() {
return avsMapped;
public void setmAcronym(String mAcronym) {
this.acro = mAcronym;
public void setmAppCode(String mAppCode) {
this.appcode = mAppCode;
public void setmAppName(String mAppName) {
this.appname = mAppName;
public void setMapped(AVSMapped avsMapped) {
this.avsMapped = avsMapped;
@Table(name = "mapped")
public class AVSMapped implements java.io.Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
@Column(name = "mAppcode")
private String mAppcode;
@Column(name = "mAcro")
private String mAcro;
@Column(name = "mAppname")
private String mAppname;
@Column(name = "mGpStatus")
private String mGpStatus;
private Set<AVSApplication> avsApplication = new HashSet<AVSApplication>();
public AVSMapped(String mAppCode, String mAcronym, String mAppName, String mGpStatus) {
this.mAppcode = mAppCode;
this.mAcro = mAcronym;
this.mAppname = mAppName;
this.mGpStatus = mGpStatus;
//Default Constructor
public AVSMapped () {
public String getmAppCode() {
return mAppcode;
public String getmAcronym() {
return mAcro;
public String getmAppName() {
return mAppname;
public String getmGpStatus() {
return mGpStatus;
@OneToMany(fetch = FetchType.LAZY, mappedBy = "mapped")
public Set<AVSApplication> getProducts() {
return this.avsApplication;
public void setmAcronym(String mAcronym) {
this.mAcro = mAcronym;
public void setmAppCode(String mAppCode) {
this.mAppcode = mAppCode;
public void setmAppName(String mAppName) {
this.mAppname = mAppName;
public void setmGpStatus(String mGpStatus) {
this.mGpStatus = mGpStatus;
public void setProducts(Set<AVSApplication> app) {
this.avsApplication = app;
public class ApplicationDTO implements java.io.Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private String dtoAppCode;
private String dtoAcro;
private String dtoAppName;
private String dtoGpStatus;
public ApplicationDTO(String dtoAppCode, String dtoAcro, String dtoAppName, String dtoGpStatus) {
this.dtoAppCode = dtoAppCode;
this.dtoAcro = dtoAcro;
this.dtoAppName = dtoAppName;
this.dtoGpStatus = dtoGpStatus;
//Default Constructor
public ApplicationDTO(){
public String getDtoAppCode() {
return dtoAppCode;
public String getDtoAcro() {
return dtoAcro;
public String getDtoGpStatus() {
return dtoGpStatus;
public String getDtoAppName() {
return dtoAppName;
public void setDtoAppName(String dtoAppName) {
this.dtoAppName = dtoAppName;
public void setDtoAcro(String dtoAcro) {
this.dtoAcro = dtoAcro;
public void setDtoAppCode(String dtoAppCode) {
this.dtoAppCode = dtoAppCode;
public void setDtoGpStatus(String dtoGpStatus) {
this.dtoGpStatus = dtoGpStatus;
public interface AppRepository extends JpaRepository<AVSApplication, String>{
@Query("select new com.UPS.model.ApplicationDTO(p.appcode, p.acro, p.appname, p.avsMapped.mAppcode) from AVSApplication p, AVSMapped c where p.appcode = c.mAppcode")
public List<ApplicationDTO> join();