在我添加PaymentSDK Swift5时,无法通过swift 5.1错误导入使用Swift 5.0.1编译的模块。然后,我尝试了PaymentSDK 5.1框架,但将应用程序上传到AppStore时未收到此错误。完美地在开发模式下工作。
答案 0 :(得分:0)
明确提到的有关您正在使用模拟器框架进行上传的错误,在上传期间,您的框架不应包含模拟器框架x86_64, i386
。当您上载时,添加从发行版本中删除该体系结构的shell脚本。在构建阶段脚本中使用此脚本。remove simulator architectures
答案 1 :(得分:0)
Copy PaymentsSDK.framework in your Mac’s Downloads folder.
// Open Terminal and move to the Downloads folder of your mac.
cd /Users/<Your Mac's User Name Here>/Downloads
//Run these commands to strip the x86_64 and i386 builds from your binary.
lipo -remove x86_64 PaymentSDK.framework/PaymentSDK -o
lipo -remove i386 PaymentSDK.framework/PaymentSDK -o
//That’s it. Now you have stripped out all the unnecessary builds from your //binary.
Now-Again. Copy Payments.sdk from your Downloads folder and replace it from the previous binary.
// Now, it will be validated successfully without any issues.
答案 2 :(得分:0)
您可以集成最新的iOS SDK。 SDK的Github链接为https://github.com/paytm/Paytm_iOS_All_in_One_SDK。 Paytm的开发人员文档中提供了其集成信息。