Rails 6-Uncaught ReferenceError:未定义MStepper

时间:2019-10-14 09:25:38

标签: javascript ruby-on-rails materialize-stepper

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enter image description here

enter image description here

enter image description here

enter image description here

enter image description here

enter image description here

enter image description here

enter image description here

请帮助我。 怎么了?谢谢!

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


public async Task<ActionResult<IEnumerable<Event>>> GetEvents()
   return await _context.Events.ToListAsync();
$(document).ready(function() {

function validateStepOne() {
  // Extract the checked checkboxes from the first step
    return true;
  return false;

function validateStepThree() {
  var validation = true;
  if($('.step:nth-child(3) input[type="text"]').val().indexOf('materialize') === -1)
    validation = false;
  if($('.step:nth-child(3) input[type="checkbox"]:checked').length === 0)
    validation = false;
  return validation;

function nextStepThreeHandler() {
  else {
    $('.stepper ').destroyFeedback();              $('.stepper').getStep($('.stepper').getActiveStep()).addClass('wrong');

/* Materializecss Stepper - By Kinark 2016
// https://github.com/Kinark/Materialize-stepper
// JS v2.1.3

var validation = $.isFunction($.fn.valid) ? 1 : 0;

$.fn.isValid  = function() {
      return this.valid();
   } else {
      return true;

if (validation) {
      errorClass: 'invalid',
      validClass: "valid",
      errorPlacement: function (error, element) {
         if(element.is(':radio') || element.is(':checkbox')) {
         } else {
            error.insertAfter(element); // default error placement.
            // element.closest('label').data('error', error);
            // element.next().attr('data-error', error);
      success: function (element) {

   // When parallel stepper is defined we need to consider invisible and
   // hidden fields
   if($('.stepper.parallel').length) $.validator.setDefaults({ignore:''});

$.fn.getActiveStep  = function() {
   var active = this.find('.step.active');
   return $(this.children('.step:visible')).index($(active))+1;

$.fn.activateStep  = function(callback) {
   if($(this).hasClass('step')) return;
   var stepper = $(this).closest('ul.stepper');
   if(window.innerWidth < 993 || !stepper.hasClass('horizontal')) {
      $(this).addClass("step").stop().slideDown(400, function(){
         $(this).css({'height':'auto', 'margin-bottom': '','display': 'inherit'});if(callback)callback();
         stepper.find('>li.step').last().attr('data-last', 'true');
   } else {
      $(this).addClass("step").stop().css({'width':'0%','display': 'inherit'}).animate({width:'100%'}, 400, function(){
         $(this).css({'height':'auto', 'margin-bottom': '','display': 'inherit'});if(callback)callback();
         stepper.find('>li.step').last().attr('data-last', 'true');

$.fn.deactivateStep  = function(callback) {
   if(!$(this).hasClass('step')) return;
   var stepper = $(this).closest('ul.stepper');
   if(window.innerWidth < 993 || !stepper.hasClass('horizontal')) {
      $(this).stop().css({'transition':'none', '-webkit-transition':'margin-bottom none'}).slideUp(400, function(){
         $(this).removeClass("step").css({'height':'auto','margin-bottom':'','transition':'margin-bottom .4s','-webkit-transition':'margin-bottom .4s'});
         stepper.find('>li.step').last().attr('data-last', 'true');
   } else {
      $(this).stop().animate({width:'0%'}, 400, function(){
         $(this).removeClass("step").hide().css({'height':'auto', 'margin-bottom': '','display': 'none', 'width': ''});
         stepper.find('>li.step').last().attr('data-last', 'true');

$.fn.showError  = function(error) {
   if(validation) {
      var name = this.attr('name');
      var form = this.closest('form');
      var obj = {};
      obj[name] = error;
   } else {
      this.next().attr('data-error', error);

$.fn.activateFeedback  = function() {
   var active = this.find('.step.active:not(.feedbacking)').addClass('feedbacking').find('.step-content');
   active.prepend('<div class="wait-feedback"> <div class="preloader-wrapper active"> <div class="spinner-layer spinner-blue"> <div class="circle-clipper left"> <div class="circle"></div></div><div class="gap-patch"> <div class="circle"></div></div><div class="circle-clipper right"> <div class="circle"></div></div></div><div class="spinner-layer spinner-red"> <div class="circle-clipper left"> <div class="circle"></div></div><div class="gap-patch"> <div class="circle"></div></div><div class="circle-clipper right"> <div class="circle"></div></div></div><div class="spinner-layer spinner-yellow"> <div class="circle-clipper left"> <div class="circle"></div></div><div class="gap-patch"> <div class="circle"></div></div><div class="circle-clipper right"> <div class="circle"></div></div></div><div class="spinner-layer spinner-green"> <div class="circle-clipper left"> <div class="circle"></div></div><div class="gap-patch"> <div class="circle"></div></div><div class="circle-clipper right"> <div class="circle"></div></div></div></div></div>');

$.fn.destroyFeedback  = function() {
   var active = this.find('.step.active.feedbacking');
   if(active) {
   return true;

$.fn.resetStepper  = function(step) {
   if(!step) step = 1;
   var form = $(this).closest('form');
   return $(this).openStep(step);

$.fn.submitStepper  = function(step) {
   var form = this.closest('form');
   if(form.isValid()) {

$.fn.nextStep = function(callback, activefb, e) {
   var stepper = this;
   var settings = $(stepper).data('settings');
   var form = this.closest('form');
   var active = this.find('.step.active');
   var next = $(this.children('.step:visible')).index($(active))+2;
   var feedback = active.find('.next-step').length > 1 ? (e ? $(e.target).data("feedback") : undefined) : active.find('.next-step').data("feedback");
   // If the stepper is parallel, we want to validate the input of the current active step. Not all elements.
   if((settings.parallel && $(active).validateStep()) || (!settings.parallel && form.isValid())) {
      if(feedback && activefb) {
         if(settings.showFeedbackLoader) stepper.activateFeedback();
         return window[feedback].call();
      this.openStep(next, callback);
      return this.trigger('nextstep');
   } else {
      return active.removeClass('done').addClass('wrong');

$.fn.prevStep = function(callback) {
   var active = this.find('.step.active');
   if(active.hasClass('feedbacking')) return;
   var prev = $(this.children('.step:visible')).index($(active));
   this.openStep(prev, callback);
   return this.trigger('prevstep');

$.fn.openStep = function(step, callback) {
   var settings = $(this).closest('ul.stepper').data('settings');
   var $this = this;
   var step_num = step - 1;
   step = this.find('.step:visible:eq('+step_num+')');
   if(step.hasClass('active')) return;
   var active = this.find('.step.active');
   var next;
   var prev_active = next = $(this.children('.step:visible')).index($(active));
   var order = step_num > prev_active ? 1 : 0;
   if(active.hasClass('feedbacking')) $this.destroyFeedback();
   step.openAction(order, function(){
      if(settings.autoFocusInput) step.find('input:enabled:visible:first').focus();
      if(step.data('event')) $this.trigger(step.data('event'));

$.fn.closeAction = function(order, callback) {
   var closable = this.removeClass('active').find('.step-content');
   if(window.innerWidth < 993 || !this.closest('ul').hasClass('horizontal')) {
      closable.stop().slideUp(300,"easeOutQuad", callback);
   } else {
      if(order==1) {
         closable.animate({left: '-100%'},function(){closable.css({display: 'none', left: '0%'}, callback);});
      } else {
         closable.animate({left: '100%'},function(){closable.css({display: 'none', left: '0%'}, callback);});

$.fn.openAction = function(order, callback) {
   var openable = this.removeClass('done').addClass('active').find('.step-content');
   if(window.innerWidth < 993 || !this.closest('ul').hasClass('horizontal')) {
      openable.slideDown(300,"easeOutQuad", callback);
   } else {
      if(order==1) {
         openable.css({left: '100%', display: 'block'}).animate({left: '0%'}, callback);
      } else {
         openable.css({left: '-100%', display: 'block'}).animate({left: '0%'}, callback);

$.fn.activateStepper = function(options) {
   var settings = $.extend({
      linearStepsNavigation: true,
      autoFocusInput: true,
      showFeedbackLoader: true,
      autoFormCreation: true,
      parallel: false // By default we don't assume the stepper is parallel
   }, options);
   $(document).on('click', function(e){

      var $stepper = $(this);
      if(!$stepper.parents("form").length && settings.autoFormCreation) {
         var method = $stepper.data('method');
         var action = $stepper.data('action');
         var method = (method ? method : "GET");
         action = (action ? action : "?");
         $stepper.wrap( '<form action="'+action+'" method="'+method+'"></form>' );

      $stepper.data('settings', {linearStepsNavigation: settings.linearStepsNavigation,autoFocusInput: settings.autoFocusInput,showFeedbackLoader:settings.showFeedbackLoader, parallel:$stepper.hasClass('parallel')});
      $stepper.find('>li.step').last().attr('data-last', 'true');

      $stepper.on("click", '.step:not(.active)', function () {
         var object = $($stepper.children('.step:visible')).index($(this));
         if($stepper.data('settings').parallel && validation) { // Invoke parallel stepper behaviour
            $stepper.openStep(object + 1);
         } else if(!$stepper.hasClass('linear')) {
         } else if(settings.linearStepsNavigation) {
            var active = $stepper.find('.step.active');
            if($($stepper.children('.step:visible')).index($(active))+1 == object) {
               $stepper.nextStep(undefined, true, undefined);
            } else if ($($stepper.children('.step:visible')).index($(active))-1 == object) {
      }).on("click", '.next-step', function(e) {
         $stepper.nextStep(undefined, true, e);
      }).on("click", '.previous-step', function(e) {
      }).on("click", "button:submit:not(.next-step, .previous-step)", function (e) {
         feedback = e ? $(e.target).data("feedback") : undefined;
         var form = $stepper.closest('form');
         if(form.isValid()) {
            if(feedback) {
               return window[feedback].call();
      }).on("click", function () {

 * Return the step element on given index.
 * @param step, index of the step to be returned
 * @returns {*}, the step requested
$.fn.getStep = function(step) {
    var settings = $(this).closest('ul.stepper').data('settings');
    var $this = this;
    var step_num = step - 1;
    step = this.find('.step:visible:eq('+step_num+')');
    return step;

 * Run validation over all previous steps from the steps this
 * function is called on.
$.fn.validatePreviousSteps = function() {
    var active = $(this).find('.step.temp-active');
    var index = $(this.children('.step')).index($(active));
    // We assume that the validator is set to ignore nothing.
    $(this.children('.step')).each(function(i) {
        if (i >= index) {
            $(this).removeClass('wrong done');
        } else {

 * Validate the step that this function is called on.
$.fn.validateStep = function() {
    var stepper = this.closest('ul.stepper');
    var form = this.closest('form');
    var step = $(this);
    // Retrieve the custom validator for that step if exists.
    var validator = step.find('.next-step').data("validator");
    if(this.validateStepInput()) { // If initial base validation succeeded go on
      if(validator) { // If a custom validator is given also call that validator
         if (window[validator].call()) {
             return true;
         else {
             return false;
      return true;
    } else {
      return false;

 * Uses the validation variable set by the stepper constructor
 * to run standard validation on the current step.
 * @returns {boolean}
$.fn.validateStepInput = function() {
    var valid = true;
    if (validation) {
        // Find all input fields dat need validation in current step.
        $(this).find('input.validate').each(function() {
            if (!$(this).valid()) {
                valid = false;
                return false;
    return valid;