在我的项目中,我使用typeorm,type-graphql和postgres,apollo-graphql-express。通过typeorm创建或更新实体时遇到一些麻烦。 示例:我进行了查询和更改(通过任务说明),例如
//静音 registerRestaurant(名称:字符串,地址:字符串,电话:字符串,类型:整数,restaurant_key:字符串,总部:整数):餐馆
//静音 updateRestaurant(restaurantId:Int !,名称:String,地址:String,电话:String,类型:Int,restaurant_key:String,总部:Int):餐厅
餐厅实体具有总部属性,该属性返回总部实体(对于关联案例),这是一个麻烦,那就是我无法使用id作为突变中的参数来更新或创建餐厅实体。 (例如:在突变更新餐厅中,我需要更改id = int的总部,但由于我认为JoinColumn,餐厅entry不允许我这样做))。 如果您对此有所注意,我将非常高兴,如果对我的代码有一些疑问,我会回答,谢谢!
export class Restaurant extends BaseEntity {
@Field(() => Int)
id: number;
@Column("text", { default: '' })
name: string;
@Column("text", { default: '' })
address: string;
@Column("text", { default: '' })
phone: string;
@Field(() => Int)
@Column("int", { default: 0 })
type: number;
@Column("text", { default: '' })
restaurant_key: string;
@OneToOne(() => Headquarter)
@Field(() => Headquarter)
headquarter: Headquarter;
export class RestaurantResolver {
@Query(() => Restaurant)
async getRestaurant(
@Arg("restaurantId", { nullable: false }) restaurantId: number
) {
console.log(await Restaurant.findOne(restaurantId, { relations:
["headquarter"] }));
const restaurant = await Restaurant.findOne(restaurantId, { relations:
["headquarter"] });
if (restaurant) {
return restaurant;
} else throw new Error("restaurant not found");
@Query(() => [Restaurant])
async getRestaurants() {
try {
return await Restaurant.find({ relations: ["headquarter"] });
} catch (error) {
throw new Error('restaurants not found');
@Mutation(() => Restaurant)
async registerRestaurant(
@Arg("name", { nullable: false }) name: string, // nullable: false means
@Arg("address", { nullable: false }) address: string,
@Arg("phone", { nullable: false }) phone: string,
@Arg("type", { nullable: false }) type: number,
@Arg("restaurant_key", { nullable: false }) restaurant_key: string,
// @Arg("headquarter", { nullable: false }) headquarter: number
) {
const restaurant = new Restaurant();
restaurant.name = name || restaurant.name;
restaurant.address = address || restaurant.address;
restaurant.phone = phone || restaurant.phone;
restaurant.type = type || restaurant.type;
restaurant.restaurant_key = restaurant_key ||
// restaurant.headquarter = headquarter || restaurant.headquarter;
//??? how to update when in Restaurant Entity is OnetoOne and
try {
return await Restaurant.save(restaurant);
} catch (error) {
return error.message;
@Mutation(() => Restaurant)
async updateRestaurant(
@Arg("restaurantId", { nullable: false }) restaurantId: number,
@Arg("name", { nullable: true }) name?: string,
@Arg("address", { nullable: true }) address?: string,
@Arg("phone", { nullable: true }) phone?: string,
@Arg("type", { nullable: true }) type?: number,
@Arg("restaurant_key", { nullable: true }) restaurant_key?: string,
@Arg("headquarter", { nullable: true }) headquarter?: number
) {
const restaurantToUpdate = await Restaurant.findOne(restaurantId);
if (restaurantToUpdate) {
restaurantToUpdate.name = name || restaurantToUpdate.name;
restaurantToUpdate.address = address || restaurantToUpdate.address;
restaurantToUpdate.phone = phone || restaurantToUpdate.phone;
restaurantToUpdate.type = type || restaurantToUpdate.type;
restaurantToUpdate.restaurant_key = restaurant_key ||
restaurantToUpdate.headquarter = headquarter ||
restaurantToUpdate.headquarter; // type number is not assignable to type
return Restaurant.save(restaurantToUpdate);
} else {
throw new Error("restaurant not found");