CodeIgniter 4-验证自定义规则功能Quandry

时间:2019-10-12 09:21:52

标签: php codeigniter codeigniter-4

在我的CI4学习中,我首先尝试模拟用户登录功能。我有一个控制器,两个视图(此处未显示,但实际上是简单的页面-一个几乎是单一表单,另一个是“空白”成功HTML页面),Validation.php文件中有一组自定义规则,还有一个CustomRule.php文件,其中包含第一个将实现我的所有自定义规则的方法(最终,我希望所有这些都在Validation.php文件中进行设置)。由于缺乏更好的主意,我将CustomRules.php文件粘贴在app \ Config \文件夹中。


我一生都无法确定如何获取验证服务,以将其他参数(来自表单)传递到名为“ user_validated”的自定义规则函数中。 CI4文档描述了自定义函数在接受附加参数时需要满足的条件,但没有描述如何触发验证服务以将这些附加参数传递给用户的自定义函数……因此,尽管调用了“ user_validated”,但始终仅传递“ user_email_offered”就像字符串一样-据我所知,没有其他内容。我该如何解决?

我尝试插入<$ validation-> setRuleGroup('user_signin'); >在调用验证之前,但是发现我可以使用以下命令将规则组的设置移到验证调用中:$ validationResult = $ this-> validate('user_signin'),这似乎相同,并且没有规则组作为参数(?),它似乎无法工作。这似乎仍不是触发将其他数据传递到自定义规则的方法的原因。



在app \ Controllers \ SignupTest.php中:


    namespace App\Controllers;

    use CodeIgniter\Controller;

    class SignupTest extends BaseController

            public function index() {   // redirection from the default to signup(), signin(), ...

                return $this->signup();


            public function signup() {


                $validation = \Config\Services::validation();

                if ($this->request->getPost()) {     // still TBD: any different to using $this->request->getGetPost() ?

                    $validationResult = $this->validate('user_signin'); // set the rules to use: 'user_signin', 'user_signup'

                    if (!$validationResult) {

                        $validationErrors = $validation->getErrors();

                        return view('SignupTestView', $validationErrors);   // redisplay simple html form view with list of validation errors

                    } else {

                        return view('SignupTestViewSuccess');  // display view to show success 
                } else {

                    return view('SignupTestView');   // initial display, in the event of there being no POST data 


在\ app \ Config \ CustomRules.php中:


    namespace Config;

    use App\Models\UserModel;

    // Custom Rule Functions 

    class CustomRules

        public function user_validated(string $str, string $fields = NULL, array $data = NULL, string &$error = NULL) : bool{            

             $user_email_offered = $str;
             $user_password_offered = '';    // to be extracted using $fields = explode(',', $fields), but $fields is never provided in the call to this user_validated method

            if (($user_email_offered !== NULL) && ($user_password_offered !== NULL)) {

                $usermodel = new UserModel();   // intended to create a UserEntity to permit connectivity to the database 

                $user_found = $usermodel->find($user_email_offered);    // we're going to assume that user_email is unique (which is a rule configured in the database table)

                if ($user_found === NULL) { // check if user exists before doing the more involved checks in the else-if section below, which may throw exceptions if there's nothing to compare (?)




在\ app \ Config \ Validation.php中:

    namespace Config;

    class Validation
        // Setup

         * Stores the classes that contain the
         * rules that are available.
         * @var array
        public $ruleSets = [

         * Specifies the views that are used to display the
         * errors.
         * @var array
        public $templates = [
            'list'   => 'CodeIgniter\Validation\Views\list',
            'single' => 'CodeIgniter\Validation\Views\single',

        // Custom Rules

        /* configurable limits for validation rules array below*/
        const user_email_min_lenth = 9;  
        const user_email_max_lenth = 50; 
        const user_password_min_lenth = 6;   
        const user_password_max_lenth = 25;  

        public $user_signin = [
            'user_email' => [
                'label' => 'e-mail address',
                'rules' => 'trim|required|valid_email|user_validated',  // user_validated is custom rule, that will have a custom error message
                'errors' => [
                    'required' => 'You must provide an {field}',
                    'valid_email' => 'Please enter a valid {field}',
            'user_password' => [
                'label' => 'password',
                'rules' => 'trim|required',
                'errors' => [
                    'required' => 'Enter a {field} to sign in',
                    'user_password_check' => 'No such user/{field} combination found',

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

使用参数调用自定义规则应该与调用CI4的常规规则完全相同。让我们获取例如“ required_without”。您可以在此示例中使用它:

$validation->setRule('username', 'Username', 'required_without[id,email]');


public function required_without($str = null, string $fields, array $data): bool
    $fields = explode(',', $fields);

其中$ str-这是您的主字段,$ fields-字符串,打包以逗号分隔的数组。




public function myrule(string $mainfield, string $fieldtotestwith): bool
//doing stuff


$validation->setRule('somemainfield', 'Something', 'myrule[somesecondfield]');