import java.util.Scanner;
public class PizzaOrder {
public static void main(String[] args) {
//Declared variables
String firstName; // First name of user
char crustType; // Type of crust
String crustName; // Name of crust
int inches; // Pizza size
final double Tax_Rate = 0.08; // Tax Rate
double baseCost = 0.0; // Cost of pizza without tax and additional toppings.
double total; // base cost plus the toppings
double overallTotal; // Total cost including toppings and tax
double tax; // Tax amount
String toppings = "Cheese"; // Toppings list
String choice;
int numberOfToppings = 0; // Toppings counter
// Create Scanner object
Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(System.in);
//Prompt and get the users first name
System.out.println("Welcome to Mike and Diane's Pizza.");
System.out.print("Enter your first name: ");
firstName = keyboard.nextLine();
//Prompt and get pizza size
System.out.println("Pizza Size(inches) Cost");
System.out.println(" 10 $10.99 ");
System.out.println(" 12 $12.99 ");
System.out.println(" 14 $14.99 ");
System.out.println(" 16 $16.99 ");
System.out.print("Enter the size of the pizza you would like: ");
inches = keyboard.nextInt();
keyboard.nextLine(); //Consuming end of line character
if(inches == 10) {
baseCost = 10.99;
else if(inches == 12) {
baseCost = 12.99;
else if(inches == 14) {
baseCost = 14.99;
else if(inches == 16) {
baseCost = 16.99;
else if(inches != 10 && inches != 12 && inches != 14 && inches != 16) {
System.out.print("You have entered an invalid choice. The pizza size" +
" will be set to 12 inches. ");
// Prompt and get crust choice
System.out.print("Enter the type of crust you would like. " +
" (H)and-Tossed, (T)hin-Crust, or (D)eep-Dish: ");
crustName = keyboard.nextLine();
crustType = crustName.charAt(0);
// Output if the user selects Hand-Tossed
if(crustType == 'H' || crustType == 'h') {
crustName = "Hand-Tossed";
System.out.println("You selected Hand-Tossed pizza. ");
// Output if the user selects Thin-Crust.
else if(crustType == 'T' || crustType == 't') {
crustName = "Thin-Crust";
System.out.println("You selected Thin Crust pizza. ");
// Output if the user selects Deep-dish.
else if(crustType == 'D' || crustType == 'd') {
crustName = "Deep-dish";
System.out.println("You selected Deep-Dish pizza. ");
// Otherwise print out the default pizza type.
else {
System.out.print("You have entered an invalid choice. The crust type" +
"will be set to Hand-Tossed. ");
// Display message about toppings and additional cost
System.out.println("All pizzas come with cheese.");
System.out.println("Additional toppings are $1.25 each. Please choose" +
" from Pepperoni, Onion, Sausage, and Mushroom. ");
// Prompt and get topping choices one at a time. If topping is desired, add
// name to topping list and increment number of toppings.
System.out.print("Would you like pepperoni added? (Y/N): ");
choice = keyboard.nextLine();
if (choice.equals("Y") || choice.equals('y')) {
numberOfToppings = numberOfToppings + 1;
toppings = toppings + " and pepperoni.";
else {
numberOfToppings = 0;
//Prompt for sausage and store in numberOfToppings
System.out.print("Would you like sausage added? (Y/N): ");
choice = keyboard.nextLine();
if (choice.equals("Y") || choice.equals('y')) {
numberOfToppings = numberOfToppings + 1;
toppings = toppings + " and sausage.";
else {
numberOfToppings = 0;
//prompt for onion and store in numberOfToppings
System.out.print("Would you like onion added? (Y/N): ");
choice = keyboard.nextLine();
if (choice.equals("Y") || choice.equals('y')) {
numberOfToppings = numberOfToppings + 1;
toppings = toppings + " and onion.";
else {
numberOfToppings = 0;
//prompt for mushroom and store in numberOfToppings
System.out.print("Would you like mushroom added? (Y/N): ");
choice = keyboard.nextLine();
if (choice.equals("Y") || choice.equals('y')) {
numberOfToppings = numberOfToppings + 1;
toppings = toppings + " and mushroom.";
else {
numberOfToppings = 0;
//Calculation of cost
total = ((baseCost) + (numberOfToppings * 1.25));
tax = total * Tax_Rate;
overallTotal = total * (1 + Tax_Rate);
// Payment Confirmation
System.out.println(firstName + ", here is your order:");
System.out.println(inches + " inch pizza");
System.out.println(crustName + ", " + toppings);
System.out.println("The cost of your order is: $" + (total));
System.out.println("The tax is: $" + (tax));
System.out.println("The overall total due is: $" + (overallTotal));
答案 0 :(得分:0)
if (choice.equals("Y") || choice.equals('y')) {
numberOfToppings = numberOfToppings + 1;
toppings = toppings + " and sausage.";
else {
numberOfToppings = 0;
if (choice.equals("Y") || choice.equals('y')) {
numberOfToppings = numberOfToppings + 1;
toppings = toppings + " and sausage.";
如果用户在任何时候输入的不是“ Y”或“ y”,则浇头数量将重置为0。
overallTotal = total * (1 + Tax_Rate);
overallTotal = total + tax;
您还可以使用Switch case语句代替IfElse阶梯。 希望这可以帮助!!!