#include <iostream>
int main() {
using namespace std;
int x, remainder;
cout << "please enter a positive integer number: " << endl;
string tab;
tab = '\t';
cin >> x;
remainder = x % 2;
while ( x % 2 != 0)
cout << x << " is odd" << tab << "Subtract 1" << tab << " Half of " << x - 1 << " is " << x / 2;
x = (x - 1) / 2;
cout << endl;
while (x % 2 == 0)
cout << x << " is even" << tab << "Subtract 0" << tab << "Half of " << x << " is " << x / 2;
x = x / 2;
cout << endl;
while (x >= 0);
答案 0 :(得分:2)
(外部)循环结束时的测试将始终为“ true”,因为您有while (x >= 0)
;因此,即使x变为零(将如此),循环也将继续运行! (而且,一旦x为零,它将保持为零!)
第二,两个“内部” while循环根本不应该是循环!您希望每个主循环中的一个或另一个“块”仅运行一次 -因此请使用if ... else
#include <iostream>
int main() {
// using namespace std; // Generally, not good practice (and frowned-upon here on SO)
using std::cin; using std::cout; using std::endl; // Use only those you want to!
using std::string;
int x, remainder;
cout << "please enter a positive integer number: " << endl;
string tab;
tab = '\t';
cin >> x;
remainder = x % 2;
do {
if (x % 2 != 0)
cout << x << " is odd" << tab << "Subtract 1" << tab << " Half of " << x - 1 << " is " << x / 2;
x = (x - 1) / 2;
cout << endl;
else // if (x % 2 == 0) ... but we don't need to test this again.
cout << x << " is even" << tab << "Subtract 0" << tab << "Half of " << x << " is " << x / 2;
x = x / 2;
cout << endl;
} while (x > 0); // You run forever if you have x >= 0!
return 0;
还有一些其他事情可以更改,以使代码更“高效”,但是在我们开始对BPC(最佳可能代码)进行编辑之前,我将让您细读MNC(最小必要更改) )!
编辑:好的,由于评论'的'同辈压力',我现在放入一个 建议 BPC:
#include <iostream>
int main() {
using std::cin; using std::cout; using std::endl; // Use only those you want to!
int x;// , remainder; // "remainder" is never used, so we can scrap it!
cout << "Please enter a positive integer number: " << endl;
cin >> x; // Not critical, but I like to put such a cin right after the prompting cout.
std::string tab{ "\t" }; // Let's initialise more directly!
do {
// As there is only one line (now) inside each if/else block, we can leave out the {} ...
if (x % 2 != 0)
cout << x << " is odd" << tab << "Subtract 1" << tab << "Half of " << x - 1 << " is " << x / 2;
cout << x << " is even" << tab << "Subtract 0" << tab << "Half of " << x << " is " << x / 2;
// We can put the following two line outside the tests, as they will be the same in both cases:
x = x / 2; // When x is ODD, this will give the SAME answer as x = (x - 1)/2 (as you noticed in your first cout)
cout << endl;
} while (x > 0); // You run forever if you have x >= 0!
return 0;