
时间:2019-10-09 18:45:26

标签: python pandas dataframe


ID            Category          Label          Price
00001         Low               Alpha          1.00
00001         Low               Beta           1.50
00001         Med               Chi            2.00
00001         Med               Delta          2.50
00001         High              Epsilon        3.00
00001         High              Phi            3.50
00002         Low               Alpha          1.00
00002         Low               Beta           1.50
00002         Med               Chi            2.50
00002         Med               Delta          2.50
00002         High              Epsilon        3.00
00002         High              Phi            3.50


ID            Category          Label          Price
00001         Low               Beta           1.50
00001         Med               Delta          2.50
00001         High              Phi            3.50
00002         Low               Beta           1.50
00002         Med               Delta          2.50
00002         High              Phi            3.50


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


df.loc[df.groupby(['ID','Category'], group_keys=False)['Price'].idxmax()]


       ID Category  Label  Price
5   00001     High    Phi    3.5
1   00001      Low   Beta    1.5
3   00001      Med  Delta    2.5
11  00002     High    Phi    3.5
7   00002      Low   Beta    1.5
8   00002      Med    Chi    2.5

答案 1 :(得分:1)


foreach (var entity in db.ChangeTracker.Entries())
    if(entity.State == EntityState.Detached || entity.State == EntityState.Unchanged)

    var audits = new List<Audit>();

    //the typeId is a string representing the primary keys of this entity.
    //this will not be available for ADDED entities with generated primary keys, so we need to update those later
    string typeId;

    if (entity.State == EntityState.Added && entity.Properties.Any(prop => prop.Metadata.IsPrimaryKey() && prop.IsTemporary))
        typeId = null;
        var primaryKey = entity.Metadata.FindPrimaryKey();
        typeId = string.Join(',', primaryKey.Properties.Select(prop => prop.PropertyInfo.GetValue(entity.Entity)));

    //record an audit for each property of each entity that has been changed
    foreach (var prop in entity.Properties)
        //don't audit anything about primary keys (those can't change, and are already in the typeId)
        if(prop.Metadata.IsPrimaryKey() && entity.Properties.Any(p => !p.Metadata.IsPrimaryKey()))

        //ignore values that won't actually be written
        if(entity.State != EntityState.Deleted && entity.State != EntityState.Added && prop.Metadata.AfterSaveBehavior != PropertySaveBehavior.Save)

        //ignore values that won't actually be written
        if (entity.State == EntityState.Added && prop.Metadata.BeforeSaveBehavior != PropertySaveBehavior.Save)

        //ignore properties that didn't change
        if(entity.State == EntityState.Modified && !prop.IsModified)

        var audit = new Audit
            Action = (int)entity.State,
            TypeId = typeId,
            ColumnName = prop.Metadata.SqlServer().ColumnName,
            OldValue = (entity.State == EntityState.Added || entity.OriginalValues == null) ? null : JsonConvert.SerializeObject(prop.OriginalValue),
            NewValue = entity.State == EntityState.Deleted ? null : JsonConvert.SerializeObject(prop.CurrentValue)

    //Do something with audits